Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If It Sounds Too Good To Be True...

As I stated earlier today, I received my FIRST interview for a job after posting my resume online.  No, I never sent my resume to these folks.  They found ME(As I've now learned they find 95% of their job candidates).  Well, I'm here to tell you I've Googled the company and read MANY, MANY, MANY public reviews.  By and large, what's written below seems to be the common opinion of the company.  Thus, I've decided to forget the interview.  If the place was across the street or around the corner, I'd check it out.  But since it isn't, I'll wait for the next bus!  NEXT!
From Pittsburgh, PA — 12/13/2009

"[recruited on Monster.com, promised the world, spent $400+ in November 2009 to get up and licensed, did the training/brainwashing, learned about all the 'coldcalling/brainwashing, went back into real estate, doing well].... You have to wonder about a company that after you are recruited and accept the job 'WANT $210 in CASH (no checks, credit cards, etc) to get you established. Must be all the people that learned about the 97% turnover? It's funny when the Manager/HR in-house says 'please don't quit!' during the 1st training session. You will hear 'anyone that quits will not be successful in anything you do' about 8-10 times. When you are asked 'how much do you want to make your first year?' no matter what you say, 'you can do that, just don't quit!'. When you are told 'you will be given 18-25 leads a week and no cold-calling'. YOU WILL have to call 150-300 people A DAY on a LIST THAT IS RECYLCLED, PEOPLE HAVE BEEN CALLED MANY TIMES, THEY ARE SENIORS AND HAVE NO ANSWERING MACHINES,NOT HOME,VERY DEFENSIVE,ETC., When you are in the office the first time, you will see/hear THREE FULL TIME RECRUITERS who are trying to recruit at least 5 trainees for one of three training sessions monthly for an office that has the 'bread 'n butter' employees, and the people who spent the $$ and realize the pipe dream after it is too late.... cheers!"

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