Monday, April 30, 2018

Hellz YES!

Today begins my godson's first day at his new job at YES (Yankees Entertainment and Sports Network). I'm not exactly sure what he'll be doing, but I reckon he'll let me know soon enough.

I'm happy for him, because he loves sports. Particularly baseball and football. So, working in a field he loves is just what the doctor ordered. Starting from the ground up will expose him to different facets of the sports business, then he can decide where he'd like to devote most of his energy.

He graduated from college last summer, so I'd say he's moving along pretty well. He was getting a little discouraged for a bit there, because he was working at Bed Bath & Beyond and did an internship for NBC Sports during the Winter Olympics.

The sage advice I had to offer was as follows:

"Go into that gig doing EVERYTHING they ask of you, and even come up with MORE to do!!!! That will show them you mean BUSINESS!!!! NEVER COMPLAIN, even if it's warranted!!!"

I also told him that he can achieve ANYTHING!! As long as he WORKS his butt off and BELIEVES!

I sure wish someone had given me that exact, same advice before I began my internship at GMA. I was the WORST intern ever! But that's a story I'll have to save for a later post! :)

Well, after his first week, we'll see what he thinks of the gig.

Yep, we'll see!!!!!  :)

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Very Wrong Can Be Very Right

Yesterday, while at the park, I sat and talked with a young man who was there with his beautiful dog. During our conversation, I realized I had seen him before. On X Factor. He sang with a group. I also realized he is a close friend of another young fella I know, but have lost contact with.

Anyway, during our conversation, two black women approached, and one of them timidly asked if it was all right to walk past the dog. You see, the dog is a Pit Bull. And that, alone, scares the crap outta many people.

I told the women the dog is a pussy cat, and that his only interest was the squirrel hiding up in a tree. So, they passed by without incident.

Shortly thereafter, another black woman approached, however, the dog walked right up to her and scared! She FROZE! She looked over at us and said, "Please, come get your dog." Before I could respond, the dog's owner jumped up and screamed, "Why do people come to a dog park when they're afraid of dogs?" Oh, boy, that set...her...OFF!

I immediately got the dog and walked off with him, leaving the two "adults" to "talk."

Talk? I wish! The two of them SCREAMED at each other, using what they deemed to be every DESPICABLE SLUR they could conjure up!

From HIM: C*NT, B*TCH!


Honestly, if I wasn't there, I wouldn't have believed two, seemingly reasonable people would treat each other so disgracefully.

The woman mentioned that she was Nigerian, which caught the attention of another guy in the park. He ran over to them, aligned himself with the woman, and joined her in verbally attacking the dog owner. The whole while, I'm a distance away with the dog. The only specimen besides myself with any semblance of decorum.

I have to add that before I walked away with the dog, I did make a concerted attempt to get the folks to calm down and speak respectfully to one another. When I realized my words were falling upon deaf ears, that's when the dog and I were off to another section of the park.

As fate would have it, the dog owner and the woman eventually calmed down (the other guy continued his workout, then left), the dog owner gave a sincere apology, and the two wound up talking for an hour or so. They even exchanged contact information. She then went her way, he went his (after I returned with his dog), and that was that.

Before "Mr. Sensitive Dog Owner" left, though, I asked him what that was all about. In essence, he's simply sensitive about people taking a look at his dog and judging it harshly because of its breed. And the woman was upset because she thinks black men don't respect black women. I understood her point, based upon the foul way he responded to her fear of his dog.

I simply believe dog owners have got to accept that not everybody appreciates their dog the way they do. I love dogs. I truly do. But as I approach dogs and their owners on the street, I always ask if it's safe to pass them. Ten times out of ten I'm told I'm fine, but I always ask.

I cannot imagine being agitated enough to scream obscenities at anyone. For any reason. My hope is that the next time either of those folks find their short fuses lit, they think back to their exchange in the park and immediately call upon love and forgiveness to sort out their disagreement.

In the end, exercising love and forgiveness just makes us feel better.   

The Windows To The Soul

Woke up this bright, Sunday morning and cleaned the windows and window screens.


I have to admit, I don't recall the last time I cleaned the windows.

And I know for a fact I have NEVER cleaned the screens!


And boy, oh boy, did they show it!

I first shook out the seventeen years of dust, ran water in the tub, added some Palmolive dish soap, then plopped the screens into their much needed bath. While they soaked, I cleaned the windows.

Instead of using a cloth or newspaper, I cleaned the windows with a squeegee. Afterwards, I wasn't 100% satisfied with the results, so I went back over the windows with a cloth.

After I pulled the screens out of the tub, I set them outside to dry.

All in all, I spent a couple hours on these projects. Yes, I would rather have been sitting in one of my favorite, Sunday brunch spots, stuffing my face with great food and tasty mimosas!

Next Sunday, for sure!

But I gotta admit, it sure is nice to be able to see outta my windows again!

Haaa! ;)

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Utter Clutter

99% of the time I pass by an opened, residential garage, I see so much clutter it makes my head spin.

Honestly, I'm amazed by how much junk people hold on to! There's always so much crap there's no possible way a vehicle could fit into the garage.

I chuckle when I see residential streets over-crowded with street parking. I know they're over-crowded because nobody can park in their jam-packed garages.

I can't tolerate clutter. I'll be a minimalist 'til the end of my days.

If a homeowner wants to enrich his home life, I know precisely how his garage oughta look! :)

People Are More Alike Than Different

In addition to INSECURITY, it's the one thing damn near EVERYBODY possesses!

Damn near EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey, Hey, Hey

Today hasn't been the best day for Bill Cosby.

Neither his FAME, WEALTH, nor a million gallons of LIQUID TIDE can erase the stains of GUILT and SHAME that now adorn his name.

He was found GUILTY of drugging and sexually assaulting a young woman in his Philadelphia home back in 2004.

THREE, felony convictions!

The 80-year-old "America's Dad" will now be forced to register as a Sex Offender.

A sex offender. Let that sink in.

The man has lived damn near all his adult life as an adored, respected and envied celebrity, resting comfortably at the top of the showbiz mountain.

Well, whatever happens now, happens. He made his bed.

Now, it's time to lie in it.

If he is sentenced to prison, I feel confident that that would be a painful situation he won't survive.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Vanity Ain't Fair

I just received a renewal notice from Vanity Fair. My beloved friend, Smeralda, sent me a subscription last year as a gift. It turns out the magazine is no longer mailed to residents here in Los Angeles, and is hand-delivered like a newspaper. I suspect this is their way of saving money since postage is expensive.

Well, turns out the ONLY issues I actually received were the two they mailed. The others, I never received. And that sucks, 'cause I really wanted to read this month's issue with the incredible LENA WAITHE as the cover model!

I once discovered one issue lying in the middle of my apartment complex's driveway. Placing the darn thing in front of my door must be too much to ask. I called customer service and was told my subscription would be renewed for an extra year to make up for my missing issues. We'll see if the delivery person is instructed to adjust his delivery method.

If not, I'll simply read the magazine online. 

Nothing Lasts Forever - Especially Electronics!

Okay, so I purchased my current Compaq Presario PC back in 2009. And for all intents and purposes, it's shot! It occasionally shuts down and reboots at will. I know, I know, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out I need a new one.

I've known I've needed to replace this darn thing the moment I received an online message, alerting me that Vista and Google Chrome updates would no longer be supported. Well, I've held out with this relic for as long as I can.

I prefer a PC to a laptop, so my replacement is gonna be another PC. What I'm thrilled about is that these new, fancy PCs no longer bother with a tower. They're all-in-one. I love me some all-in-one technology. I remember how elated I was when the all-in-one printers came out!

I've got my eyes on a Premium HP Pavilion 27" Full HD IPS Touchscreen All-in-One Desktop! Amazon is selling it brand new for $1,346.00 plus shipping. Used, it'll set me back $1,060.00. The darn thing looks so sleek. I likes! I likes! Well, I'd like it more if it had an optical drive, but I don't see one listed in its specs. Heck, I don't imagine many new computers come equipped with an optical drive these days. Dang, I never really considered that, like everything else, dvds and cds would become obsolete.

My electronics upgrade also has to include a new printer, because my current HP Officejet 5610xi All-in-One printer conked out, too! I don't recall how long I've had the printer, but I'm thinking it's even younger than the computer. Whatever!

Like always, when I get my new gadgets, I'll be as happy as a sissy at the "Y!" Haaa!

And, like always, when they break down, I'll curse 'em like a sailor on leave!


We're All The Dang Same

Regardless of...










We are all the dang SAME!!!!!!


Sunday, April 22, 2018


Today, I went to USC to check out the play, COUNTING, written by one of the school's outstanding MFA Dramatic Writing students: AJA HOUSTON.

In the beginning of the play, I didn't know what the heck was going on. In fact, I found myself looking up at the ceiling, counting the lights and overhead microphones, looking at the audience's reactions, just looking everywhere except the stage. And ordinarily that isn't a good thing.

Truth be told, abstract works are simply not my cup of tea. That encompasses theater, film, tv, paintings, etc.

I initially didn't feel a connection to any character on the stage except for the person I came to support: AJ CLARK. AJ is in USC's MFA in Acting program. And that young man truly breathed life into his character, "Gray." He made the dude human. And the realistic humanity of a character is what captures and retains my attention.

Well, as fate would have it, I stayed put in my chair and am happy I did, because by the time the payoff came, it all made sense. Tragic sense, actually. I'd come right out and say what the play's about, but that would be a huge spoiler. This play has to take you on a ride first before that discovery.

There was a Q&A session after the performance, and the audience was encouraged to tell the playwright how, if at all, the play affected us. I spoke up and didn't hold back. I told her precisely what I thought. She was gracious and open to hearing our true thoughts. After the session concluded, I walked up to her, introduced myself, then hugged her.

Aja is undoubtedly an artist with a clear point of view. And that's precisely what the arts need. She isn't interested in spoon-feeding audiences. She wants us to think for ourselves. I get that. I applaud that. It's glaringly obvious she isn't interested in being Tyler Perry 2.0. Well, maybe financially, but most definitely not creatively.

THIS is how she describes Counting:

“Welcome to Spooks Anonymous, a fellowship of men and women young and old alike who help each other not to be feared. Welcome to The Middle, the afterlife for those who were killed for being threatening, for being Black, for being Spooks. For hundreds of years this place has existed with millions of black souls seeking redemption. Newcomer Proctor tests the veteran members Bland, Till, Martin, and Gray’s ties to each other, their beliefs and resolve to keep working the program."

 I look forward to seeing her other works. And when I see the next one, I'm going to plop my butt onto a seat and open my mind to the journey she takes me on. 'Cause if all her plays provide a meaningful payoff like Counting does, checkin' 'em out is indeed worth the price of having my thoughts provoked!

Yes, indeed!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Plush, Lush Lawn

Today, my brother mowed his backyard for the first time in 2018!

And boy, oh boy, does it look like a MILLION bucks!!!!

Here in southern California, lawns don't usually look this dang green. And we have a water drought to thank for that! In fact, the state imposes penalties on heavy water users. But yes, some wealthy folks in L.A. pretend they don't know about the drought and use more water than they oughta. One such rich sucka in Bel Air actually used 11.8 million gallons of water in 2015.

Well, living in Indiana, my brother has more than enough rain, and the water from melted snow, to keep his lawn looking like a five-star golf course.

The more I look at these photos, the more it looks like he just laid brand, spankin' new carpet! Simply beautiful.

In my humble opinion, that backyard of his is an oasis.

Especially during a relaxing, spring rain!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Picture this: an eyewitness's testimony helps send a man to prison to serve a 17-year sentence before authorities realize they've incarcerated the WRONG man!

If I were the eyewitness in the aggravated robbery case against Richard Jones, I, too, believe I might have gotten him mixed up with the actual perp!  I mean, geez, they do almost look identical!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Two Hearts Vulnerable

I don't know anything about the card game, Bridge. But today, during my glorious, volunteer time with the elderly, I met a true aficionado named Leah. I've seen her in the dining room before, but have never really spoken in depth with her 'til today. And boy, oh boy, what an eye-opening conversation had we.

She's 93 years blessed and has lived quite an interesting life. Originally from Michigan, she married there and had three children (two girls and a boy). While playing Bridge at a tournament in Michigan, she met a married man who lived in New York City. Long story short, they fell in love, left their respective spouses and got married!

Since the new hubby was in the tv business in New York City, she packed up her kids and moved to be with him. Ending their marriage devastated her first hubby. He shortly thereafter suffered a nervous breakdown. He eventually got himself back together and wound up marrying a friend of theirs. Just like me, he must have believed all's fair in love and war!

Leah turned her love affair into a book: Two Hearts Vulnerable. The novel's title marries her affair to her love of Bridge. I tell ya, I'm gonna have to buy this darn book! I wanna read all the stuff she might to tell me today! Haaa!

This is what Barnes & Noble wrote about Leah and her book:

"Leah Jay graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan and went on to write articles published in Harper's Bazaar, the NEW York Magazine, Los Angeles Magazine, Women's Wear Daily, the Detroit News and the New York Times. She is a Silver Life Master in the American Contract Bridge League and has been published in the ACBL Bulletin. She conceived and wrote 10 documentaries on The Great Museum Cities of the World. An award winning series which played on public television. She wrote "The Champions" for NBC and the nationally syndicated NASCAR racing show entitled 'The Racers.'"

Novel's Overview:

"Rae Weller loved her husband. But early on she faced the fact that she was never "in love" with him. She didn't really believe that there was such a thing as "in love." Oh, she'd been around the block a few times, it never really meant anything beyond a guarantee for a bridge partner on Saturday night. An old buddy put it this way. Play well, pay well or lay well. Rae had never paid a professional. Then at a bridge tournament in New Orleans she met Matt Forsythe who couldn't play bridge at all. But the game he played sent shivers down her spine and sent her out to buy lace pantyhose. Was it the real thing? Two Hearts Vulnerable examines that premise from trick one."

When I return back to the residence, I'm looking forward to enjoying lunch with Leah again. The ol' gal has spunk and I like it!

A lot!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Best Things In Life Are Free

Today marks my brother's 53rd year on this planet!

He got one helluva kick outta the meme pictured above!

He liked it so much, he said he's gonna send it to other folks.


I like giving presents folks really enjoy!

See, oftentimes, the best things in life are indeed free!


I hope I come across something he enjoys even better on his 54th! :)

They Are What They Are

I know I am 54 years blessed.

But I don't feel much different than I felt when I was 34.

I truly don't.

But I look different.

At 34, there was no gray hair.


But the gray is alive and well now.

And I'm THANKFUL for that. 'Cause that means I'm STILL HERE!

I give gratitude for my 54, blessed years,

And my gray hair,

And my sun-kissed skin,

And for simply being HERE!

The physical changes that come with growing older are natural.

And inevitable.

Yep! They simply are what they are!

And I'm fine with that.

Yep! I'm fine with that!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Que Sera, Sera



#Will Be

Monday, April 9, 2018


If there is a sentiment truer than the one above, I have never heard it.

But I'm listening...

Those Pitches

Today was the day I made my pitches to a few, popular media outlets on behalf of two, hard-driving entrepreneurs I know and respect  immeasurably!

I am bound and determined to introduce both these young men and their businesses to the world!

Entrepreneur: TYSHAWN BRYANT

TYSHAWN hails from the rough and tumble Hartford, CT area and was raised by a single mother, and a praying grandmother. An outstanding basketball player, he thought he was headed to the NBA, but no such luck. He left Bucknell University and headed west to reinvent himself. In Hollywood, he found fast success in commercials (basketball-themed and regular). Professionally unfulfilled, he knew he wanted to create something that would allow him to retire his mother and live a lifestyle he believed he was born to live. Despite having no financial backing to speak of, he called upon a razor sharp focus, persistence, perseverance and an unrelenting work ethic to make his company what it is today.

Company: Green Regimen

Green Regimen is a premier, health and fitness company, committed to creating the most nutritious and best-tasting organic recipes and supplements in the sports, health and fitness market. Green Regimen's plant-based products have one mission in mind: promote and/or enhance a healthy quality of life.

You can learn more about the company on Instagram, YouTube and its Website.


Entrepreneur: QUINCY BRAXTON, ESQ. (Adoption Attorney)

QUINCY is an uber-ambitious and compassionate, 26-year-old attorney in the Los Angeles/San Diego areas. He has eleven siblings; three were adopted. The young man is a Renaissance Man if ever I've seen one.  Brains and beauty embrace him like white on rice.  Essence Magazine Online featured the Pepperdine Law graduate in its ridiculously popular Eye Candy photo series. He has incorporated his own firm and aims to demystify adoption and make the process a seamless and gratifying experience for adoptive parents and birthmothers.

Company: The Law Offices of Quincy Braxton

Areas of Expertise: Adoption and Surrogacy

You can learn more about the law firm on its Website and on Instagram.


I reached out to The Breakfast Club because the radio program reaches Millenials and "old heads," too. And because both gentlemen have a deep appreciation for Hip-Hop music. I figured both would enjoy chatting up and being tormented quizzed by Charlamagne Tha God & Co.

Since TYSHAWN's business is all about healthy living, it was a no-brainer to pitch him to The Doctors and The Dr. Oz Show.  Introducing the shows' hosts and audiences to his Elite Protein product, and demonstrating workout routines would be just what the doctor ordered (pun intended)!

Both shows feature human interest stories, too, so that's where QUINCY's discussion about adoption and surrogacy fits in nicely.

I suspect producers from the shows will get back to me when they get back to me. Or they won't.

Either way, TYSHAWN BRYANT and QUINCY BRAXTON, ESQ. are goin' places!

And I'm willing to move heaven and earth to help them get there!

Friday, April 6, 2018

A Little Modern Technology

Jaimie Wilson, Carmen Carrera and Laith Ashley

I'm tellin' you, I could live to be a THOUSAND years old and NEVER cease to be amazed at the accomplishments of modern technology.

The three, beautiful people pictured above are currently living the lives they believe they should have lived since birth. They now identify as the people they believe they should have identified as since birth.

All three of them are transgender.


Jaimie, 21, hails from Florida. He began his transition from female to male back in 2015. Deciding to live his life as he pleases has alienated him from former friends and family. It's interesting to me how so many folks only want to be a part of YOUR life as long as you do what THEY want you to do with YOUR life. Interesting.

Jaimie seems to be doing all right for himself these days. He's singing and modeling. Perhaps when his family sees how well he has adjusted as the male he was meant to be they'll come around. Figuratively. And literally.


The general public was introduced to Carmen, 32, when she was a contestant on RuPaul's Drag Race, Season 3, in 2012. At that time, she presented as male (Christopher Roman), but even then I could tell something was going on with her because she looked far more feminine than the other contestants. After the season was over, she announced she was transgender and going through the treatment associated with it.

Carmen lends her voice to the fight for transgender rights and has proven that living freely is the best revenge, because there are many, many, many people who don't approve of her life choices, but man, she STILL walked down the aisle and now has a handsome hubby and two, stepdaughters.

You go, girl!


Laith, 28, is a singer, songwriter, dancer and model from New York. He began his transition from female to male in 2014. From the photo above (left image), I can see that even when he presented as female, he still looked hella masculine.

I began to take notice of Laith when he was making the media circuit regarding the transgender/public restroom debate. He comes off poised and well-spoken, so bravo to him.

When I was a kid, I knew absolutely nothing about transgender anything. I mean, not one, single person I knew ever mentioned feeling trapped in the wrong body. Hell, as far as I know, I never met anyone who felt that way until I was a senior in college. And even then, that individual never shared his situation with me.

Fast-forward to today and my college bud is now a PHENOMENAL WOMAN if ever I've met one. She's a writer, director, producer, activist and all-around HUMANITARIAN.

She's the incomparable ANDREA JAMES!!!!

I titled this post, "A Little Modern Technology," because with a LITTLE bit of that, and a LOT of INNER STRENGTH, there are trans men and women living their BEST lives, and making immeasurably great contributions to this world.

BRAVO to each and every one of 'em!!!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


The world is filled with talented people. Hell, I'm one of 'em.

But there's a COLOSSAL difference between those who are talented...

And those who are T-A-L-E-N-T-E-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Todrick Hall is T-A-L-E-N-T-E-D!!!!!!!!!!!

Correction: Todrick is UBER, MEGA, RIDICULOUSLY T-A-L-E-N-T-E-D!!!!

Two years ago, he blessed us with his first, full visual album: Straight Outta Oz. I was blown away by his artistry and autobiographical confessions in that project.

Now, his latest visual album, FORBIDDEN, has upped the theatricality, enlisted more star cameos, and is simply flat-out SPECTACULAR!

The man is a living testament to the lofty heights steely discipline, limitless imagination and persistence can reach.

He was introduced to the American public as a contestant on American Idol, Season 9. His audition was indicative of his nice voice and incredible imagination. He made it all the way to the Top 16, then he was gone.

Since then, he has been a YouTube influencer, creating viral video after viral video of his elaborate, music videos. A few of his tribute videos have made him fast friends with Taylor Swift, Beyonce and a host of other A-List superstars!

He released Forbidden a few days ago, and just like I did with Straight Outta Oz, I sat and watched the full video from beginning to end. All one hour, thirty-one minutes and 53 seconds of it!

No, Todrick's talent might not be for everybody, but dangit, I love it to pieces!!!!

He's hitting the road on his Forbidden tour, so, if you like what you see and hear below, get tickets here!!!!!!!!!!!

What a COLOSSAL, SUPER DUPER, T-A-L-E-N-T-E-D mofo! :) :) :) :)

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Spring Break Beauties

My niece, RAQUEL, is one heckuva mother! Every Spring Break, she takes her daughters on a mini-vacation!

This year, they hopped aboard a cruise ship and visited the Bahamas, Grand Turk Island and the Dominican Republic.

And from the look of the photos, they seem to have had one heckuva time!

I hope and pray those girls realize how incredibly special their mother is!

I hope they truly understand how much THOUGHT, EFFORT and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE she calls upon to provide them such incredible life experiences!!!!!!

BRAVO, Raquel (aka "Raci"), you are providing some of the BEST memories your girls could ever have!  EVER!

Heck, if my great nieces are even a QUARTER as intelligent as their mother, I'm pretty sure they know how special she is.  Yep!  They KNOW!

Dang, truth be told, I'd be THRILLED to grow up to be HALF as special as she some day!
