Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Here in L.A. a group of teens have been arrested for burglarizing the homes of rich celebrities.  Surveillance cameras caught 'em red-handed.  According to reports, they set their "marks" based upon public knowledge of where the celebrities lived and when they were out of town.  On the west side of L.A. the Bentley look-alike BMWs are being targeted for their airbags and headlights.  The thieves simply steal those items and leave the car.  Call me an English nerd if you want, but the first thing these occurrences brought to my mind was a line from Rudyard Kipling's famous poem, IF -- "...And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise..."  Meaning:  If folks would play it low-key and not be ostentatious with what they've got, other folks won't be so inclined to envy you and take your stuff away from you! 

Moral Of Story:  UNDERSTATEMENT is KEY!!!!

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