Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Why? Why?

Evan Chandler -- the father of Jordan Chandler, who accused Michael Jackson of molesting him -- was found dead early this morning of an alleged, self-inflicted, gunshot wound to the head.  His son, Jordan, is rumored to have admitted that he lied about Michael having touched him inappropriately.  Michael paid them $20 million to make them go away.  Now that the elder Chandler is deceased, the righteous person might question why so many people around the world are probably rejoicing at his death.  Well, I'm sure if Michael was still here, he'd lean over and whisper softly into my ear, "If they say why, why, tell 'em that is Human Nature."

1 comment:

  1. from Donn Swaby:
    yes, even though a part of me wants to say "fuck him and good riddance, you evil piece of shit!), I know that Michael would not approve of that. he'd just say what my wise girlfrind says, "just pray for them and bless them." Yeah, bet he was torn up inside for what he did to Michael. But I will not hold hate in my heart.

    Thanks for posting this, Cam. I've read several of your blogs and I like reading your insight. Keep it up!

    PS: We gotta do Jamba Juice soon! You , me, and Greggor... maybe next week... Holla...
