Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Model Behavior

Ray Armstrong by Steven Blank

Since 2008 I've kept a close eye on the murder trial of former model, Ray Armstrong.  He was arrested back in September of that year for the strangulation murder of one of his close friends.

Ray's account of the evening was that he was ill and went to visit his friend.  He said that at some point, he dozed off in one of the friend's bedrooms and awakened to find the friend attempting to sodomize him.  He told the jury, "I could feel his penis in my butt cheeks."  Then, Ray allegedly fought him off.  So, in essence, he was simply defending himself.  I suspect since Ray's friend was strangled to death, the jury didn't buy his account of self defense.  As of June 2012, Ray was sentenced to a mandatory term of life in a state prison without parole.

What actually took place in that house the world will never know.

But what we do know is that an inarguably attractive, young man murdered another man.

And that he's paying the penultimate price: life in prison.

Unfortunately, his "friend" paid the ultimate price: death.

Ray Armstrong by Steven Blank


  1. Used to see him on ModelMayhem. Often wondered about his sexuality and how confident he was about it. Too bad. A tragedy all around. Homophobia sucks, especially the self inflicted variety.

    BTW i am at

  2. He was a great dude never no problems i just received a letter from him he seems to be doing well hopefully they can overturn his life in prison

  3. Send me his mailing address, please. I'd like to send him a letter.

  4. I remember when that jackass tried to break the windows out of my car...

  5. I suspect people wouldn't be asking for his jail mailing address if he wasn't so good looking. Pathetic

  6. so where can we send hima lettres you suckers???

  7. so where can we send him a letters you suckers???

    1. Dude, if he's in prison you can look his mauling info up online.

  8. Anthony was a good friend of mine who would & did do a lot for that guy and he did not deserve to dye.

  9. So sad that his modeling career ended like that I'm a former model and I know how hard it is in this competitive business beauty is everywhere lets pray that his sentence is reduced and he can continue with his modeling career PRAYING FOR HIM

    1. He MURDERED someone and you want him RELEASED to continue a modeling career??? What??!!!!

    2. He said it was in defense what would you do if a man tried to take your manhood by raping you?

    3. Pray you get some common sense. Leave that false religion mess on the side of the road where you picked it up


    1. Yeah, that's what he said, but I don't believe him. I think the dude was higher than a kite and the drug(s) made him maniacal!

    2. Well if he is lyng and was high then he deserves what he gets and you get my deepest apologies

    3. Tony was a friend of his for many years,on more than one occasion,he lived with Tony,because he had nowhere to go and tony helped him start his modeling career. If Tony wanted to "rape" him,why didn't he reach for Ray's dick when Ray was living with him and needed him? Tony was always there for him when is ass was scraping the ground.

    4. Anyone would be ecstatic!

  11. He said it was in self defense what would you do if a man tried to take your manhood by raping you

  12. Who gives a F about his modeling career or how handsome he is. hes a damn murderer. Where are peoples morals. He strangled a guy so let hope his sentence is not over turned

  13. I was his supervisor for a short time in the Army...way before his modeling days. He had a great speaking voice and MC"d all the ceremonies on the base. Such a tragedy.

  14. He claimed Tony tried to put it in his butt. Smh! Now he’s getting plenty of that for life! Liar!

  15. Thanks for the update. Just saw his bio on the computer and wondered if he was still in prison or what. Could not find anything but yours.

  16. That ****** is right where he should be

  17. I knew Tony well for years and remember Ray's stuff was always at Tony's, although i never saw him there or met him. Tony did a lot to support Ray and his modeling career, and didnt deserve this outcome. A gay panic defense is preposterous because in no way does a man coming on to another (homophobic) man - even if it did happen - justify the response of taking of a human life. That is absurd. Also, there is zero chance that he looked up one day and suddenly learned Tony was gay if they were at all close friends. Lastly, when a person willingly ingests dangerous illegal drugs, he forgoes any defense that "the drugs made me do it." Dude needs to stay locked up forever. He is a lifelong irresponsible person whose apparent looks salvaged him some limited success.

    1. If he knew Tony liked him, according to the story and he had no interest in him, he shouldn't have gone back there. You cannot tell me that he had nowhere else to go. He had money and he had family in Philly. I think that he was dumped and he knew Tony would be the shot of self confidence he needed to make him feel good. You don't get high and go to a gay man's house who you know cares for you, let him get you naked and put you in a shower....that makes no sense. I do feel bad for both families. I hope Ray gets the help he needs if he has a drug issue.

  18. Ya know everyone is using such negativity on this board. He didn't intentionally kill Anthony, and it sounds like Anthony's friends are just not able to accept that. None of you no whether what Ray said is the truth or not. As a woman I cant put myself in that situation, however if I was a guy and my gay friend of many yrs tried to rape me while I was asleep I would certainly knock the shit out of him. Ray was so strong that maybe he snapped and didnt realize he killed him until he seen Anthony wasnt breathing. Every single one of you men know this is true. And if you say otherwise let's see your asses in prison with the real killers that like having sex with men and beat them to a pulp until they get it. No one here on this forum should be judging. We have a Heavenly Father that is our judge, and only he knows what is true. And as far as "Iamcamjr," your only purpose for putting this post up is to see all the negativity in the world. And the worst part is most of them are your own people, and Ray's...I too hope there is a possibility of parole for Ray. And if he needs to seek addiction treatment if that was the back story then he deserves treatment. He's no murderer. Good luck Ray and I hope you have looked to Jesus for all your answers.

  19. Ray was undercover and didnt want anyone to know. He came there, got high, freaked out and killed that man. There may have been a pass made to Ray by Anthony but that shouldnt have led to Ray killing his friend. Whenever a closeted man feels his sexuality may be exposed or at risk, they change and do stupid shit. Be who you are and be happy. This DL bullshit killing out all the gays cause these so called straight men dont wanna accept their letter of the LGBTQI and stick to it. Sad but he deserves to rot in he can get all the dick and ass he wants.

    1. You sound stupid, crazy, and loco asf. Not every men or women are gay, bi, or Dl yooo. This how lies gets started, you starting one now. You acting like str8 and gay men can’t be friends without flirting or fucking yoo

  20. I was in the army with Ray. Hes not gay. It was self defense.

    1. It was overkill which is why his "defense" didn't sell.

  21. @I Am CAM JR….You making this shit case even worst yooo, the shit you saying is being messy asf…..turning these ppl against each other. If you a reporter, you need ya license taking away from you. This not good journalism, this a hot ass mess πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

    1. Calm down, fella. Justice has been served.

    2. This was such a tragic story with no winners. Both families have lost men they love. As we evolve, we need to focus on love. In 2022, we continue to see how human beings are struggling from addictions, envy, mental challenges, loneliness, hate, homelessness & people lacking empathy. May God continue to help all of us.

  22. This is a damn shame waste of two lives....May Anthony RIP and Ray get the help he needs...He has been in jail since 2008 I I am quite sure he has adjusted to prison by now. He will be in there a long time. Anthony sounds like he was a very nice man especially to Ray. He didn't deserve to die. Rays life is ruined. No winners here.

  23. This story is tragic. Ray Armstrong has to be one of the most physically and facial wise attractive man I have ever seen in my life...what a damn waste.....RIP Anthony.

  24. I actually used to date Ray I am female I dated Ray in Dallas Texas the reason why and how I found this is I happened to be wondering where he is because I was talking to Ray when all this happened one Ray was a dancer too Ray was a model three he was not homophobic I will say this Ray comes from a background to where his mother was very religious his father I can't remember if he was in the picture not whatever the case is Ray had dreams and aspirations he often talked about Tony but Tony was this gay guy that Ray could set up on if you didn't have a place to stay he knew Tony liked him and he could go over there now when I dated Ray I was a teenager in my early teens so I wasn't the mature woman that I am today Ray would use his looks his sexuality and even sex as a commodity he was openly bisexual what happened was Ray and Tony were friends however it was an unstated fact that Ray was a good looking guy and Tony benefited from having this good looking guy around and that was for gay street cred and the fact that Ray had a large member and he had no problem having sex with anybody for money now I've read the blog on here Ray did not have any money at that time he had just started his modeling career it was just getting off and he was broke at that time he was dating me and some girl in New York they were vacationing in the Poconos I believe she got mad at him and put him out and so he went back to what he knew and that was hustling that does not change the fact that that man had dreams and aspirations just like anybody else my heart even now goes out to Tony and his family knowing Ray I know that that hurt him to his soul that he did that but that is the truth

    1. He has video visitation, let me know if you interested

    2. Someone needs to learn how to use punctuation. There’s no reason to post a bunch of words with no punctuation. I wouldn’t even try to read it. Do better.

  25. What a tragedy for both families. The pursuit of fame and fortune often leaves a trail of misery. Humans are so easily used by each other it’s hard to find a true friend. I think both men had an agenda and both payed a price. Obviously Anthony payed the ultimate price.
