Tuesday, March 20, 2018

38.7 Miles To Glory

Last Sunday, I awakened and said to myself: "I want a frozen margarita."

Just like that!

So, I showered, jumped into the car and headed to Tequila Jack's!

I know that sounds like a relatively simple thing to do: go out to eat on a Sunday. But this is southern California. So, just going out to eat at a particular restaurant could take you a ten-minute drive.

Or, in this instance: an HOUR!

Yep! I drove an HOUR to get a frozen margarita! All the way to Long Beach!

I first went to the joint when Mike, my fraternity brother, was here to set sail on a cruise ship to Hawaii. We sauntered into the restaurant and proceeded to imbibe a couple of frozen delights! And just like that, I was HOOKED!

So, Sunday, I drove to Long Beach, ordered lunch and a frozen margarita, and all was well in the world.

Truth be told, things could have been better if I had devoured two, but I had to be good since I was driving alone.

But, man, I wanted another! :)

Tequila Jack's, I'll be back!  :) :) :)

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