Friday, June 26, 2020

Don't Punish Me With Brutality

This country is in an upheaval!!!!!!

Actually, that's an UNDERSTATEMENT!

We're divided by RACE!




And the list goes on and on!

What I know for sure is that unarmed citizens are dying at the hands of law enforcement!!!!

And the MAIN reason we know what we know is because someone filmed the interactions on their cell phone cameras.

Without the filmed footage, American citizens wouldn't be the wiser about many of the senseless deaths.

At this point, I'm sooooo exhausted by the endless stories of unjustified brutality.

It HAS to STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The death of George Floyd has ignited a barrage of changes in the workplace and how we view some of the revered statues/monuments throughout the country.

Protesters have made it known they even want Mount Rushmore to be dismantled. South Dakota's governor is adamant about that NOT happening on HIS watch!!!

I don't wanna sound all Polly Anna(ish), but I just want EVERYBODY on this planet to be treated with COMPASSION. That's all.

In order for that to happen, though, we MUST, MUST, MUST hold our fellow man accountable for his words and actions.

It isn't enough to NOT be a racist.

We MUST be staunchly ANTI-RACIST!

I'm gonna make DAMN SURE I'm at the polls this NOVEMBER!!!!!!

This country NEEDS CHANGE in our highest political office AND offices!

So, VOTE!! VOTE!!! VOTE!! VOTE!!!!!!

If Marvin Gaye was alive today, I'd know PRECISELY what he'd say!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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