Saturday, October 28, 2017

Harvey Crimestein

60 or more accusers.

Lurid detail after lurid detail.

Sexual harassment.

Sexual assault.




Film and television producer Harvey Weinstein has become his own Academy Award-loving film subject.


Utterly and horrifically despicable!

He is the classic case of a man who uses his professional success to define him.

To make him feel worthy.

To make him feel alive!

He knows he lives in a world in which his physical appearance won't grant him access to the kinds of women who excite him.

He knows he lives in a world in which his intellect alone won't do it, either.

So, he relied on his professional success to make him desirable.

What he didn't bank on is that that success would indeed make beautiful young women want to know him,

But it didn't beguile them to want to sleep with him.

He needed something else to entice drag coerce them into his bed.

And into his shower.

His professional success simply wasn't enough to land the young beauties.

So, he determined that his professional success's partner in crime (pun intended) would be BRIBERY.

And if that didn't work, INTIMIDATION.

He'll offer a film role if you sleep with him.

Or he'll have you blacklisted from working with anyone else if you don't.

One gorgeous young woman after the other went up to his hotel room(s) to "discuss business."

Of course, he never told them the business was monkey business.

But their agents knew.

Some warned the young women.

Some didn't.

Those agents will have to live with their decisions.

The desire for fame and fortune is immeasurable in Hollywood.

Some people will do just about anything to "get on."

Even allow themselves to be disrespected beyond measure.

Yes, I truly believe every, gorgeous young woman who met with Harvey privately was hoping to get something out of the meeting.

What they didn't realize was that he, too, was hoping to get something.

Both parties were simply hoping to get something different.

I hope Harvey Weinstein truly accepts that his actions were wrong.

That his view of women is wrong.

I hope he confesses and sincerely apologizes to his children--particularly his daughters--that daddy's behavior was abhorrent.

I hope he serves some jail time if he did indeed rape any of the women.

But most importantly, I hope he never works in show business again.

Hollywood doesn't need him, nor his kind.

And it never has.

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