Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Until We Meet Again

Late last night, my 34-year-old nephew rode his motorcycle for the last time.

Yesterday, he did whatever he did...

For the last time.

My eldest sister and her daughter (his beloved sister) will miss him immeasurably.

His aunts, uncles, cousins, children and friends will do the same.

Yes, I am fully aware that all living beings have a finite amount of time on this planet.

Then we go.

That knowledge doesn't lessen the pain of losing someone.

I hope and pray his life was filled with more joy than sorrow.

I hope and pray that his mother, sister and every life he touched will always cling to their great memories of him.

He was incredibly talented with his hands.

His personality was infectious.

And don't get me started on his brilliant smile with those phenommmmmmenal teeth!!!

Quincy Dwayne Montgomery, you were loved.

You are loved.

And will always be.

May your soul rest in eternal peace.

Our family will not say, "Goodbye, dear nephew."

We'll simply say, "Until we meet again..."