In less than two hours, my church, ONE CHURCH INTERNATIONAL, will be celebrating its SEVENTH, glorious year in service to the WORLD!!! Pastor Touré Roberts should be dang proud of himself for starting something out of nothing and serving the world sooooo graciously as a result! I'm taking acting extraordinaire, Ulrich Que, as my guest to tonight's festivities! I anticipate this is gonna be a COLOSSAL SUCCESS!!!!! Happy 7th, One Church Intl! There are 7X107 more anniversary celebrations ahead!!! I just feel it!!!!
No matter what JOB I have or HOUSE I live in or CAR I drive or ROMANCE I embrace, I am MORE than ALL those things!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Could've Been Me

The Ending from Seek ThePoet on Vimeo.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
And I...Will Always Love You
I'm sittin' here surfing YouTube as is my usual custom. Since I've been reading so much about the remake of the film, SPARKLE, I have Whitney Houston on the brain. This said, I've been Googling her and looking at tons of old and current photo images of her. What a pretty lady. Call me strange, but I actually thought for a moment, I wonder what she's doing right now. I want so much for her to be absolutely incredible in this film. I want to walk away from the theater like I did THE BODYGUARD, thinking that she couldn't have sung those songs any better! I'm rooting for her. Honestly, I am.
Monday, September 26, 2011
A New Day
Well, I've been blessed to awaken to a new day this morning! So, that means God has granted me yet another day to work towards living the life I seek. The life I want. The life I deserve. The life I was born to live! In just a few, though, I'm gonna walk out of my apartment and into the glorious sunshine I see outside my window! I FEEL incredibly blessed. Because I AM incredibly blessed!!!!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
CAM Of Many Talents
My Commitment Ceremony

1.) A man is measured by his ACCOMPLISHMENTS.
2.) A man is measured by his CHARACTER.
-- "Character is who you are when nobody is around."
3.) A man is measured by his COMPANIONS.
-- "Tell me who you hang with and I will tell you who you are."
4.) A man is measured by his COMMITMENTS.
5.) A man is measured by his CONCERNS.
-- "You know a man by what keeps him up at night."
I realize that my life---on many levels---is not what I want it to be because of a lack of commitment. Hi, my name is, CAM, and I am commitment phobic. My body isn't sculpted the way I'd 100% like because I am not committed to working out the way I'd need to to accomplish that feat. I am not in a romantic relationship because I am not committed enough to do what's mandatory to keep anyone around. Professionally, my life is devoid of fulfillment because I have not been committed enough to pursue what I want with even a modicum of focus. Okay, that's not true. Maybe a modicum. But not much more. And, the truth is, for whatever ridiculous reason, I harbor thoughts that I am not talented enough. Or smart enough. Or possibly even young enough to be sought after to do what I inherently know I CAN do!! The ONLY person piling the mud onto my wings that keeps me from flying is I. Period. --- Well, it's a new day. And I STILL have breath. Therefore, I can STILL make changes! I promised myself after I walked out of yesterday's Wisdom Brunch For Men that CAM Jr IS worthy of EVERYTHING he wants. Every thing I want. And I'm going after it! For the first time in a lonnnnng time, I'm COMMITTING myself to it! Amen.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sweet, Sweet Love
R&B recording artist, VESTA WILLIAMS, died last night. Her body was found in a hotel room in El Segundo. It's speculated that she took her life because a couple of empty, pill bottles were discovered in the room. This story is sounding more & more like another R&B artist who did indeed take her life: PHYLLIS HYMAN. It was said that Phyllis took her life because she was exasperated with the state of her career and perhaps the lack of national recognition for her vast talent. I wouldn't be surprised if we learn soon that something similar was the cause of Vesta's untimely death, too. What I know for sure is that non-Caucasian performers of all stripes have a hard road to travel if they want to earn a comfortable living from their craft. And I truly believe the reason is because the people who are in a position to make careers don't look like us. So, since they don't see themselves or their siblings or their relatives or their close friends when they look at us, they don't have a desire to help us. I truly believe that. No, I won't stop pushing forward because I feel this way. I'll continue marching onward. But I'll always keep in my mind what's what. --- Whatever Vesta's situation was, I hope & pray her spirit has sailed upward to complete & total FREEDOM. 'Cause, truth be told, "upward" is the ONLY place complete & total freedom exists. Down here? No way! --- R.I.P. Vesta. --- Read New York Daily News article HERE.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Never As Good As The First Time
The ORIGINALS in 1976
I'm not even going to give this new version of CHARLIE'S ANGELS the time of day because I loved the original one so much. That was 35 yrs ago!!! WOW! Back then, the sun rose and set with FARRAH FAWCETT, JACLYN SMITH & KATE JACKSON. I didn't throw out my scrapbook of the show until my actual graduation day from COLLEGE!!!!! In 1986!!! --- In regard to this new version of the show, SADE sang it best...
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
My Faves
Stacy Francis
Chris Rene
I just finished watching the Premiere of Simon Cowell's THE X FACTOR! And I'm happy to say that out of the Los Angeles auditions my two, favorite contestants are STACY FRANCIS and CHRIS RENE! Stacy is a 42-yr-old, single mother of two, young children. CHRIS is a 28-yr-old singer/songwriter who just got out of rehab and was only 70 days sober at his incredible audition! I saw TERRELL CARTER perform, too. He was fine, but not nearly as interesting to me as STACY & CHRIS. I'll watch tomorrow to see what the next round of auditions offers.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Do Tell
It's OFFICIAL! As of today, Tuesday, September 20th, the U.S. Government has lifted it's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy over its armed services. Now, if you're gay and serving in the military, you can ADMIT it! I hope that all those gay enlistees who worried about their enlistment can now breathe a sigh of relief. NOBODY benefits from a life lived LESS than FREELY. NOBODY!
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Help
This morning I treated myself to a helping of THE HELP! Okay, so I treated myself to a viewing of the new film. Either way, I enjoyed what I saw. Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer were simply terrific! Bryce Dallas Howard and Emma Stone were sensational, too. One of my friends, Donald, isn't interested in seeing the film because of the way blacks are treated in it. I understand that. I think he's missing out, though, because the black characters in the film are courageous, hard-working and loaded with integrity. Their jobs as house servants didn't define them. Their characters did!! Heck, I'd rather know THEM than a host of black lawyers and doctors out here in the world today!
Of Thee I Sing
While driving home from Malibu last week I noticed a breathtaking sight: what looked like a million flags on the expansive lawn of Pepperdine University. The flags were placed there in honor of the lives lost in NYC on 9/11. I'm tellin' you, as I drove past the school, I slowed down and looked on in amazement. And with great pride. If you're anywhere near Pepperdine anytime soon, check it out. WOW!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Coming Of Age

Sunday, September 11, 2011
It's Our Anniversary
Today marks the 10th Anniversary of the tragic happenings of September 11, 2001. The day the twin towers of New York City's World Trade Center were brought down. The day America changed. --- I had been living here in Los Angeles a year and nine months. A year and nine and a half months before that, I was living in Brooklyn, NY. Timing truly is everything. --- Well, I received a call that morning that awakened me. It was my sister, JOEY. She was screaming on the phone that, "They're blowin' up your town!" I immediately turned on the television and...was...SHOCKED! I couldn't believe my eyes. I wound up watching news broadcasts all day. And all afternoon. To ease the heartache, I agreed to meet, Scott, at a movie theater so we could just watch a happy movie: Mariah Carey's, GLITTER. And, truth be told, we liked the movie. But when we returned home, I went back to the television and watched the news broadcasts 'til I fell asleep. --- God bless those who lost loved ones in the tragedy. And God bless those of us who felt their pain. And prayed for them.
As I find myself fighting tooth & nail to change my current existence to the life I was BORN to live, I realize that my end goal is to one day share my journey with others; so that they might bypass many of my difficulties. This MESS I've gotten myself into is setting me up for the MESSAGE I'll soon be able to share with others to enrich and enlighten THEIR lives. I just KNOW it! I just KNOW it!
I AM My Praying Grandmother
When I met singer, SCOTT A. PEOPLE, he opened up my life to sooooooo many new experiences and performers. One of those performers was a gospel singer named, HELEN BAYLOR. One day, while Scott had her cd playing, I heard the LIVE testimony of hers, during her concert. WOW! It moved me beyond description. It spoke to the power of CHANGING one's life through ACTION...and...PRAYER. I WANT/SEEK/NEED a life change. I've already enlisted ACTION. And I have also added PRAYER. Now...what will be, will be. --- Take a listen to HELEN's testimony. It might inspire you, too!
Just Right!
Pastor Touré Roberts introduced us to screenwriter, MICHAEL ELLIOT.
Michael is the writer of the films, Brown Sugar, Just Wright and Like Mike. His testimony was powerful. It illustrated that perseverance and commitment to an endeavor WILL bring about success. He touched on many of his ups & downs in show business before he found where he was supposed to be: screenwriting. What a powerful message he gifted us with. I know MY life is SUPPOSED to be RICHER and MORE ABUNDANT than it is at present. COMMITMENT is where I'm falling short. Sticking to my writing deadline for my children's book is key. It'll show what I'm made of! And I know I'm made of MORE than I'm showing the world at the moment. I have work to do. And to that work I shall go!!! --- Michael's testimony is below.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Oprah Winfrey LIVE!
Today, I made sure to set aside the hour from 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM so I could watch a live interview with Oprah Winfrey on Facebook. As I am breaking into the world of moderating Q&A sessions, I couldn't help but wish I was Sheryl Sandberg during the hour. Although she seemed a little starstruck, she asked questions intelligently. The hour zipped by. As everyone who knows me knows, I have a verrry soft, warm spot in my heart for Ms. Winfrey. And today's interview made that spot even softer and warmer. I wish her colossal success with OWN. And sooner, rather than later, I hope to make a contribution to the network in the form of MY OWN talk show! Or, at the very least, appearing as a host on SOME show on the network! A man has to have dreams, you know! Oh what a waste of space on this earth if all I did was think "realistically."
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Write Stuff
I'm sittin' over here, struggling to decide upon a name for my children's book collaboration with, Jabari. Okay, so I've settled on one or two, but I keep changing my mind. Truth be told, I oughta just WRITE the damn story first, THEN concern myself with a title. How 'bout that???? Let me stop wasting time and get to writing! But, dang, what will I call it?????
Monday, September 5, 2011
Malibu Dreaming
Last night I spent six hours in Malibu. Yeah, I was in a condo, overlooking the ocean. Yeah, I could see and hear the waves crash against the rocks below. And, yeah, the whole while I was there I thought about living & entertaining in the joint. I don't aspire to own a home in Malibu. No, sir. But I sure as heck wouldn't mind renting one for the summer!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 2, 2011
ME...and ONLY ME

So Long, Ol' Friend

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