Friday, January 31, 2014

All In The Family


Today, I stumbled across this BEAUUUUUUTIFUL photo on the page of one of my Facebook friends.  I took one look at him with his handsome sons and thought, WOW!  THAT'S what life's about!!!!!  Honestly, I've never seen a more beautiful photo of a father and sons.  NEVER!  Well, as is my custom, I had to share something I find TERRIFIC with ALL my Facebook friends.  And, in no time, they chimed in with how awesome they deem the pic, too!!!

So, to BILL GARVEY, Herbalife Health Coach & U.S. Coast Guard Aviation Technician, I say, LOVE on those boys until either YOU or THEY are no more.

Man, what a beautiful family!!!!!

Oh, Bill's wife, who's also those adorable boys' mom, CHRISTE, is a feast for the EYES, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Haaa!

FAMILY RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Please Forgive Me

"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's." -- Exodus 20:17

Well, the stunning house of University of Alabama football coach, NICK SABIN, makes me DROOL!!!!

I sure hope God FORGIVES me.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

And The Grammy Award Goes To...

I saw this pic on Facebook and had to chuckle, 'cause I vividly remember Whitney performing "The Greatest Love Of All" that year.  And, I vividly remember Beyoncé performing "Drunk In Love" last Sunday.  No, the two ladies didn't possess similar talent.

Whitney was all about her VOICE.

Beyoncé is all about EVERYTHING else!

But, hey, there's room for both kinds of talents.

However, I prefer what WHITNEY had to offer.

That is all.

I'll Have a BUD

Don Jeanes

That dang BUDWEISER has done it again!!!!  Their new Super Bowl commercial is as sweet and tender as the commercial they premiered last Super Bowl.  And this one also stars my former cater-waiter chum, DON JEANES.

I tell you, this commercial truly makes me sooooo HAPPY inside!!!  I think it's simply terrific that something so small can bring such GREAT JOY.

Happy 60th!!!!

LADY "O" has been blessed to celebrate another year on this planet.  YES!!!  The diva's been here SIX decades and is STILL goin' strong!!!

God, bless her!!!!!!!!!!  'Cause gifting the world with her presence has sure enough blessed US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY 60th Birthday, Ms. OPRAH WINFREY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake Me Up

Aloe Blacc

Aloe Blacc and Avicii

I don't know HOW all the popular songs of today get by me, but they do.  Lorde's ROYALS had been a hit for damn near six months by the time I knew it existed.  Well, today is yet ANOTHER new discovery to ME but has been around for everybody else for months!!  It's the song, "WAKE ME UP," as credited to a Swedish DJ named, AVICII.

Turns out the song was written and sung by ALOE BLACC.  However, this Avicii character is a famous DJ, so he gets all the public credit for the song.  All I know is I love the lyrics and I love the sound of Aloe's voice as he sings those lyrics.  Honestly, some of the words in that song truly speak to my life.

"All this time I was finding myself and I didn't know I was lost." -- Aloe Blacc

Oh, that lyric moves me BEYOND description!!!

Monday, January 27, 2014


Quincy LeNear & Deondray Gossett

Jamal Sims & Octavius Terry

Last night, The Grammys broadcast did something that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!  Truth be told, it made me feel that the inhabitants of this world CAN display the COMPASSION I know we ALL have within!  Yes, for some, we have to dig deep to get to it, but last night, I saw it.  I FELT it!  And it felt GOOOOOOOD!!!

Hip-hop artists Macklemore & Ryan Lewis performed their hit, SAME LOVE, and immediately afterward, Queen Latifah served as a pastor-of-sorts and married 33 couples.  Couples who were straight AND gay.  WOW!

On Facebook, I follow two of the gay couples who were married.  I also support their professional endeavors.  The couples were filmmakers Quincy LeNear & Deondray Gossett of THE DL CHRONICLES fame and world-renowned choreographer, Jamal Sims, and his clothing designer hubby, Octavius Terry.  Luckily for all those who care about the couples, The Grammys director showed both couples during the broadcast!!!  Yippee!

Honestly, seeing the fellas be married right there on a national broadcast made me realize that 2014 is NO JOKE!  This is the year to do it BIG or go HOME!  Both couples are hard-working people who seem to want the best for themselves and for others.  So, I say, CONGRATULATIONS, fellas!!!  BRAVO to you for deciding to make a true COMMITMENT to each other!  Heck, if THEY can do it, so can I!

It looks like ol' CAM Jr had better make himself available for love!  'Cause this single business is [FOWL]!!!   Oops, I mean, for the BIRDS!  Haaa!

May God bless both couples FOREVER...AND...A...DAY!  :)

***UPDATE on 4/23/2020 - Jamal and Octavius have ended their union, but Quincy and Deondray are still holding on!!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

I'd Rather...

Looks like I'm fulfilling my desire.  :)

THE Definition of "STUNNER"

Lupita Nyong'o

This young lady here is truly a STUNNER!

I mean, damn, she's BEAUTIFUL!

And what really makes me smile is that her beauty appears to be as breathtaking INTERNALLY as it is EXTERNALLY!

I'm rooting for her to take home an OSCAR in March!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

School Days

When you're waiting for the school bus, it sure is nice to wait with a FRIEND.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ahh, The Memories

I've lived here in Los Angeles now for 14 years!


I can't believe it! I've officially lived OUTSIDE Indiana longer than I lived IN the state!

Oh well, good for me!  Lol!

What I know for sure is that I do NOT miss having to deal with snow!

I don't miss it from my days in Indiana.

Not from my days in New York City.

Not from my days in Jersey City.

Not from my days in Brooklyn!

I don't miss it at ALL!

But, man, seeing the images of Central Park, just taken a couple days ago, I have to admit that the snow sure looks pretty when I don't have to walk in it!!!!  :)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

With Or Without You

With you, I feel invincible.
Without you, I feel weak.
With you, I can talk for days.
Without you, I don't speak.

With you, I'm adventurous.

Without you, life is tame.
With you, I am "The Man."
Without you, "Nothing" is my name.  
-- CAM Jr

And NO ONE wants to be called, "Nothing."




Daddy's Little Girl

Yesterday, my brother sent me a video he made for his daughter, and I have to admit, I was so moved by it I watched it a DOZEN times.  I even paused the video at every photograph so I could see them in detail.  Honestly, watching it made me think, if only for a moment, that my life would could be so much richer if I had at least one child.  Perhaps not having one is why I've always volunteered with children throughout my adult life.  Well, now I'm volunteering with the elderly, but truth be told, many of them are just like children.  Haaa!  After seeing the video he made for his wife, then this one, I suspect the young fella is feeling pretty dang happy about the love he shares with two of the most important women in his life.

God bless 'em all!!!!

The video tribute to his beautiful wife, TERRI.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Native American Beauty

I received an e-mail today from Google. Inside was a photo I had downloaded from the internet that Google had edited to make look "better." Google does that kind of thing to images. I think it's a neat idea.

Anyway, while looking at the updated photo, all the images I've ever posted to this blog popped up. One of them was of a Native American model/actor named, MICHAEL HUDSON. I met Michael a few years ago at a play in which my friend, BRETT DAVIS, was appearing.

Well, I Googled Michael to see what he's up to now and stumbled across the Native American model pictured in all the images posted above and below: MARTIN SENSMEIER.


Martin is from Yakutat, Alaska and a descendant of the Tlingit and Koyukon-Athabascan tribes. All I know is the kid is a STUNNER! I can only imagine how many wig and weave-wearing chicks would KILL for his hair! LOTS, I'm sure!

God bless him!


Martin has become quite the actor these days. He co-starred in Denzel Washington's The Magnificent Seven and has a recurring role on HBO's hit show, Westworld

Oh, and MOST IMPORTANTLY: he has CUT his long, lustrous hair!!!!!!! But so what, he STILL looks like a TRILLION bucks, so there's that!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

I'm Good

In a world of billions, I sometimes feel like I'm on a journey all by myself.

And you know what?  That's all right with me.  If you can't stand your own company, why should anyone else be expected to??

Give me a breathtaking landscape.  A solitary walk.  And as long as I'm walking FORWARD, I'm good!!!!!!!!!  :)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Dannies

I never thought I'd say this, but, man, the DePauw University campus sure looks hella pretty when it's covered in snow!

Hey, in life, you oughta give credit where it's due!  :)  

For My Eyes Only

I now know the meaning of the phrase, "Read 'em and weep."

I ain't weepin', but I've read 'em.  And I'll take heed.


Monday, January 6, 2014

I Believe I Should FLY

Looking at this photo, taken by the phenomenally talented VINNY MINTON, I'm reminded yet again that it's high time for me to FLY!

So, let me get these wings in tiptop shape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Declaration Of Independence

"You're either living your DREAMS, or living your FEARS."
--- Les Brown