Tuesday, June 30, 2015

I Wonder

If 43% of Philly's  youth identify as LGBTQ,

I wonder how many of their PARENTS identify as CHRISTIANS.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

It's Not My House

Diana Ross, let me make this perfectly clear: it's not my house and I don't live here.

But, man, oh man, I sure do like some of the rooms in this house!




Honestly, some of the houses in Los Angeles are second to NONE!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. This house just happens to have a price tag of $29, 975, 000!!!!!

Saturday Love

After working a full week, I look forward to the weekend.  I know for most Americans this is the standard.  But I'm not like most Americans.  This ol' boy hasn't worked a Mon-Fri gig for YEARS and YEARS!  So, being back on that kind of schedule is taking some getting used to!  But I'll get the hang of it again, no problem.  It's like riding a bike.

Today, I'm simply paying a "bill" or two, then walking in Griffith Park.  Oh, how that park brings me such peace.  I highly recommend visiting the park to everybody!!!!

Well, off I go.  I have the rest of the day to fulfill myself with as many TERRIFIC experiences as possible!  :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Simple Abundance, Part Deux

For the past three weeks I've been working back at my reality game show gig.  I've been working this gig for the past three or four years.  This year, though, has been different, 'cause this year, I'm working a lot more hours.  And you know what?  That's just fine with me.

My spirit is such that being cooped up in an office building simply wouldn't do.  Heck, I haven't worked a gig in an office setting since...well...since sometime in the '80s.  I could be a poster boy for the life of freelancing!  Yesterday, I had to decline a week-long gig with Disney at Comic-Con because I'll be here at this gig.

I've never been to Comic-Con, but from what I hear, it's a sea of people and the work days are exhausting.  Yes, if I wasn't working here, I would have jumped at the chance to work there, but, the wise man knows I am where I'm supposed to be.  So, I won't fret over the missed opportunity.

My current work days consist of holding up in an oh-so-comfy house with glass walls that allows me to look out over the landscape and see much of Los Angeles in all its glory.

No cubicles.

No co-workers.

No incessant phone ringing.

No boss looking over my shoulder.

No petty intra-office gossip.

Just me,

My borrowed MacBook Pro,

A fully-stocked fridge,

A delightful young lady (or two),


And, yeah, a pool.

I have no complaints.


Not one. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Thinking Out Loud

When I first heard Ed Sheeran sing his song, THINKING OUT LOUD, I immediately fell in love with it.  The song's story.  Ed's voice.  The instrumentation.  All those things work sooooo well together.

Well, now I've heard this other cat, L. YOUNG, sing an a cappella version of the song and I am now even MORE in love with it than Ed's version!  I mean, dang, this dude SINGS this song!!!!!!!

I can't get enough of listening to L. YOUNG's rendition.  I'm telling' you, in my next life, I'm gonna come back a singer, 'cause being able to sing like this cat would make me feel soooooooooo HAPPY!

Don't mind me goin' on and on about this song.

I'm just THINKING OUT LOUD!  :) :) :)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Heaven, He's In Heaven

Daddy, I hope you and Mama are sittin' around LAUGHIN' and EATIN' some reallllllly good FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sister-In-Law Of LIFE!


Terri & My Brother

Terri with Stacey and Tyshawn

Now that I'm back at my reality TV show gig, I hardly have enough time to brush my freakin' teeth, so when my brother and sister-in-law flew into town last Wednesday night, it pained me that I wouldn't be able hang out with them like I usually do.  We were originally supposed to link up for dinner on Thursday night, but I knew I'd be too tired to stay awake after having awakened at 4 AM the same day, so we rescheduled for Friday night instead.

Since Terri's (my sister-in-law) birthday is on the 17th while my brother will be out of town, he decided we'd make Friday's dinner an early, surprise birthday celebration.  I recruited my friend, Tyshawn, and his lovely lady, Stacey, to come along, and the rest is history!  We had balloons and the restaurant, FLEMINGS, provided a birthday card and a gift card!  On the HOUSE!!!!  How 'bout that for great customer service?

I had never been to the restaurant, but I know I'll be back.  Especially since Terri gave the gift card to ME!  Haaaa!  I enjoyed the Barbecue Scottish Salmon Fillet and the Chipotle Cheddar Mac & Cheese!  And the Chocolate Lava Cake!  And, goodness, that Mandarin Orange Martini had a KICK!!!!!  Yum!

In the immortal words of Arnold Schwarzenegger:

I'LL BE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY, TERRI, from ME to YOU!!!!!!!!!  :)

Terri and Moi!

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Long And SHORTS Of It

Today I submitted all (3) of my short films to various film festivals.  It'll be interesting to see which of them makes it all the way to the big screen at a festival.  Thus far, only 1st GRADE PICTURE has been shown on the big screen, during Indie Night Film Festival in Hollywood.  I wasn't able to make the screening because of work, but dang it, I'm gonna be at the next one!  I just HAVE to be!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel soooooo good that my work is FINALLY being recognized.  Truth be told, it was never recognized in years gone by because I hadn't applied myself and gotten the work COMPLETED!

Let the record state, if I'm blessed enough to enter into my 52nd year of life, I have 100% FAITH that it'll be the MOST INCREDIBLE year for me both PROFESSIONALLY and PERSONALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have 100% FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015


I tell ya, with all the talk about Caitlyn Jenner these days, it appears EVERYBODY in Hollywood is jumping on the transgender bandwagon!!!!

Call her Morgan FreeWOMAN.


Saturday, June 6, 2015

Baby Girl

She's gotta be one of the most ADORABLE babies I've ever seen!


Friday, June 5, 2015

Love One Another

The video below breaks my heart.  One man wants to make the world a better place for others and other men do their best to destroy him and his desire to help others.

Why?  All I wonder is, why?

People can call me Pollyanna all they want.  I will ALWAYS advocate love over any other emotion.  ALWAYS!

We've GOT to love each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It really is that simple.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Oregon My Oregon

A terrific young fella I know from my work with "Big Brother" is vacationing in Oregon at the moment and he just recently posted the photo above to his Facebook page.  Man, what a tranquil setting.

Well, now I know I need to add Oregon to my list of places to visit in addition to Sweden.

'Cause this ol' boy loves him some tranquility!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Pretty As A Picture

This young man is over in Sweden, working on a TV show.  Today he posted a photo of where he's working and man, oh man, does it look like a little slice of HEAVEN!

I've never been to Sweden, but I might just have to pay the enchanted land a visit.

Enjoy yourself, Zimzon!!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Aging Beauty | The Beauty Of Aging

I have never been heralded for my physical appearance; thus, I've always been fascinated by "pretty people."

I had to cultivate other attributes because I couldn't rely on "pretty."

For those who do/can/could, though, I oftentimes wonder how they cope with AGING.

'Cause aging has an UNRELENTING way of leveling the playing field for each and every one of us.