Since I work out at a few, local parks (North Hollywood Park pictured above), I notice that any number of fellas do the same thing.
What I like most is that everybody helps everybody. I mean, if someone doesn't know how to do a muscle-up, someone who does happily demonstrates how to do it.
Mike, 27, "Mr. Blond Ambition," was there the other day, killing time until he had to train a client at a nearby gym. Unlike me, he does both gym and outdoor workouts. Straight outta Idaho, Mike plans to take over Hollywood in film and television.
Another great dude, David, 44, stopped by the other day and worked on some gymnastic moves. I think it's great that at damn near 50 he's learning gymnast routines. Age is truly nothin' but a number.
The allure of bright lights brought 19-year-old Grant out to L.A. from Oklahoma to make a name for himself as a singer/songwriter. It'll be interesting to see how he fares in a city teeming with only a million, other singer/songwriters! UPDATE: Grant's a military man now! He joined the Army! And a HUBBY! I tell ya, this young dude never ceases to amaze me with his life changes! Next thing I know, he'll be a multi-Grammy Award-winning artist! :)
Tony, 26, all the way from Australia, is going to have to return down under in just a bit because his Student Visa has run its course. He has been here in L.A. for two years. He thought he was gonna make a real go out of Jiu Jitsu, but that hasn't quite panned out. I wish him well.
Sebastian, 26, hails from Poland. This kid truly lives his life to the fullest! At one point, he just upped and moved to Australia. Thought he'd be there for a few months, but wound up being there for dang near four years. Now, he's here in America. And based upon my gut instinct, I predict the kid is gonna be a STAR! He's got one hell of an incredible personality!
Sgt. Josh, 32, is from Arizona, and is enjoying his first visit to La La Land. He joined me on my trek up to The Observatory in Griffith Park. Getting to know him has been challenging and rewarding at the same time. I'm always amazed when I meet people who initially resist my full-on energy. Just makes me love on 'em even more. And I never fear that they'll resist me forever, 'cause I know that sooner or later, EVERYBODY responds favorably to LOVE! My intention is to be a BLESSING to the army man, because he is in dire need of one (or six)!!!!!
Adrian, 32, is a California native and is quite the singer/songwriter. His
cover of The Weeknd's "I Feel It Coming" sounds pretty dang good to me! I wish him the very best!
Dennis, 46, is of Jamaican descent, from Queens, NY. The dude mixes calisthenics training with weights. And as you can see, the result is quite eye-catching! I like talking to him. He's pretty dang spirited when he expresses his opinions.
Victoriano ("Victor"), 40-something, is determined to record himself skateboarding via drone. He surfs, too, so the electric skateboard allows him to mimic his surfing moves. Of Filipino descent, he sure seems to be one of those folks who sets a goal and does whatever it takes to smash it! God bless him!
Eugene, 35, is here from Ukraine. He left behind his beautiful wife and three children, so he can make a new life for them here in the U.S. His English is coming along, but I have to speak slowly to him. And, from time to time, he runs to his phone to look up the English translation of a Russian word. Damn nice dude.
Candido, 35, is an actor, writer, model, dancer and an all-around creator of art! After talking to this dude for a brief moment, I easily ascertained that he was far more than a pretty face and body. The dude has MEANING! I wish him the very best!
Sean, 32, is a stunt performer who was actually working in Elysian Park when I met him. I walked over to where his group was working and watched them taking hits and falls. Whew! That kind of work is not for me. I don't want this ol' body bumped and bruised! God bless him!
Martin, 21, joined me on his first walk through Elysian Park. I showed him all the park's live-in residents' abodes, and the spectacular views from one mountaintop after the other. He wants a career in fitness, so we talked about how he can accomplish that. I wish him the very best! He's a great kid!
Misak, 28, is a wildlife firefighter of Armenian descent. What a swell kid! He told me that a few members of his family question his sexual orientation because he isn't married yet. Nor close to it! It's 2018 and folks STILL make assumptions about others' sexual preference if they aren't "attached." Whatever! I wish the young fella the very best. Whether he's "attached" or not! :)
Trace, 30, is a singer from Houston. He works out at the park with his beautiful Pit Bull, Bishop. After talking to him, I realized I remember him from the first season of X Factor. He was a member of the group
The Stereo Hogzz. Turns out he's also a great friend of a youngun I know named
Denzel. The one thing about him that really threw me for a loop, though, was how he responded to a woman at the park who was afraid of his dog. As she was walking in the park, Bishop, off leash, walked up to her. She froze, and pleaded for someone to come get him. That set Trace off, then, before I knew it, the two of them were yelling and cursing at each other. And I mean, saying the cruelest things to each other a person can say. Thankfully, after far too much time, going back and forth, he came to his senses and APOLOGIZED! The two of them wound up exchanging contact information and parted ways on friendly terms. Thank goodness! I hope they both learned something positive from their exchange, and will NEVER repeat it! Absolutely NEVER!

Zach, 29, originally from Dallas, TX, sure seems to be one helluva humble guy. In his 29 years of life, his psyche has seen some mighty high and low places. I like his honesty. Particularly when it comes to his life. And some of the choices he's made. My greatest wish for him is my greatest wish for everybody: consistent, inner peace and joy. Plain and simple.
Christian, 22, another Texas guy, by way of Austin, is an actor. And he dabbles in modeling, too. He told me he used to be well over 200 lbs at one point. Now, he's a trim 175 or so. Great kid!
Luis, 28, hails from Mexico City. He left his parents behind and moved to northern California with his girlfriend. They had a baby boy, moved to southern Cali, then split up. Now, he's working as an electrician and shares custody of his son. The dude seems so dang kind. I wish him the very best!
Another Russian dude named Eugene, 29. Okay, so his real name isn't Eugene, but I can't pronounce it, so he said to call him Eugene. So, Eugene it is! Anyway, he and his wife are here now. He's learning English as best he can. We talk to each other via his cell phone. He talks into an app and it translates what he says so I can understand. When I wanna express something to him, I talk into his app, and voila, he gets my comment(s) in Russian. I tell ya, technology is somethin' else! The dude seems cool AF, so I hope to work out with him often!

Add another Russian to the mix: Stepan. He's 28, and currently drives Uber and Lyft here in Los Angeles. His English is much better than the other Russian cats I mentioned earlier. He told me that he loves American people because we're so friendly. He also told me that, back in Russia, he grew up on hip hop music and American basketball. So, I reckon that could explain why he took to me so quickly! Haaa! He seems like a great guy, so I wish him much success here in the good ol' USA.
Kelvin, 28, is of Lebanese and Puerto Rican heritage. He has a young daughter, two years old or so, and a new baby boy. He speaks openly about his challenging past, due to drug use and being bi-polar. I can tell he has an open heart, so I hope goodness and mercy embrace him now and forever. Yeah, that sounds pretty Pollyannaish, but it's how I feel. God bless him.

Meeting Daniel (black), 22, and Mat (red), 22, truly made my night! And no, I didn't misspell Mat's name. His mother did! :) Our initial connection was the fact all (3) of us wear braces on our teeth. Of course, I do precisely what my orthodontist requests of me, but these young cats are rebellious. Hell, Daniel has been wearing his braces for SIX years! SIX! Neither of them are as diligent about wearing their elastics as they should be, but hey, if they wanna wear braces for a decade, so be it! Haaa! We talked about dang near every subject under the sun. Adultery. Insecurities. Social Media. Transgender people. Our parents. Mat's hairy body! Haaa! Everything! I oftentimes say that I've never met a stranger, and I suspect these young fellas now know that to be true. We spoke as candidly as I usually speak with people I meet for the first time. My dear friend, Father Reding, says I have an uncanny ability to disarm people and make them feel comfortable and safe enough to discuss any subject. These fellas can probably attest to that too. Mat told me that he really has an attraction to black women and latinas. I told him I love reb pubes. Hey, to each his own, right? Lol! -- I wish these fellas the very best. They're young, adventurous (they've already gone skydiving) and curious about the world around them. Precisely what a young person SHOULD be! I'll see 'em again. At least, I sure hope so!

Reign, 36, is of mixed Filipino descent. He was born in London. The young man works out like a true warrior. I mean, he's really in a zone when he's doing his routine. I believe he desires a career in MMA or something along those lines. He's a personal trainer, too. I know, there are as many of them in this town as there are actors. I know! Haaa! I wish him the best!
Danny, 30-something, is originally from California. His father is of Lebanese descent. The young man has a beautiful teenage daughter. She's back in Kansas though. Anyway, he and his gorgeous Doberman Pinscher, Legacy, were working out near me today. He was on inline skates. I've gotta get some new ones! We talked for at least two hours! And about everything! He reads tons of self-help books. I believe his life is at a crossroads. Oh, how I know that feeling. I hope to always be available to lend him an ear when he needs it. I like his spirit. And I wish him the very best!
Nick, 23, works as a property manager. What a great young dude. He told me he's "half Jewish." Heck, I've always thought either you practiced the religion or you didn't. But what do I know? Haaa! I wish him the absolute best!!!!!!
Gary, 38, hails from Atlanta and is now calling L.A. home! He just started his calisthenics workouts last October or so. That waist of his is soooo tiny it's ridiculous! He recently found out he's allergic to aspirin. Deathly allergic!!! I wish him the very best. The next time I need paint, tools, etc., I'll make sure to check him out at Lowe's! Photo taken on 5/11/2021
Juan, 26, works in finance and used to be a chubby kid. Well, he has certainly turned his fitness around. I asked him about the Star of David on his left pec and he told me he got it to honor his father's Judeo-Christian background. I swear, the young fella has the face of a teenager. And a really warm and welcoming personality. Photo taken on 5/11/2021