Wishing EVERYBODY a MERRY CHRISTMAS with family and friends!!!
I'm also wishing everybody a box (or TEN) of Fannie May Chocolates!!! 🎅🏿🎄🎅🏿🎄🎅🏿🎄
No matter what JOB I have or HOUSE I live in or CAR I drive or ROMANCE I embrace, I am MORE than ALL those things!
Wishing EVERYBODY a MERRY CHRISTMAS with family and friends!!!
I'm also wishing everybody a box (or TEN) of Fannie May Chocolates!!! 🎅🏿🎄🎅🏿🎄🎅🏿🎄
They dress me up however they want, then I'm ready to WORK!!!
NEXT!!!!!!!!!!! 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜
Back in July, one of my nieces tied the knot to the man of her dreams!!!
And the wedding was a complete BLAST!!!
It's hard to believe the little girl who was born several years after I graduated college is now a full-grown woman!
Excuse me: a full-grown WIFE!!!
My niece was particularly close to her older brother. He lost his life in a traffic accident two months before the wedding, so he was there only in spirit. His son walked her down the aisle.
In his honor, she left an open chair with an 8X10 photo of him in the front row!!!
I wish them a healthy and joyous marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Working night and day to "make it" is another reason people don't see each other.
Well, at 57 years blessed, I have finally accepted that my breaths on this planet are limited.
I won't be here forever.
So, that means I've decided to go WHEREVER I have to go to see those I love.
Last month, I stopped by my alma mater, Wabash College, and spent time with folks I haven't seen in ages!!!
I was dining al fresco a couple weeks ago with a great friend of mine and this BLACK BEAUTY pulled up right in front of us!
Heck, I could hear it a mile away because its sound system is CRAAAAAAAAZY!!!
Everybody and their mother asked the rider about the bike. He told us he's spent lots of money and put in lots of hours making it look like it does.
All I could say was, WOW!!!!!!!
NOBODY does bikes like HARLEY does bikes!!!
Seven days is simply not enough to galavant around Manhattan!!!
But, ooooh, I did my best!!!
I surprised the heck outta one of my dearest friends when I popped up at her house!!! Her partner and two sons (the taller one is my godson) were in on my surprise, and it went off perfectly!!!!
We walked her dog, Petey, around her lovely neighborhood and dined in some really terrific restaurants. Who knew Fairfield, CT is so dang beautiful? I mean, what an absolutely awesome place to raise a family. Honestly, she has created one of the coziest homes I've ever had the pleasure to visit. Bravo, Madeline, bravo!!!
I visited with two other incredible women while in NYC, but when I was with them, we were too busy yackin' and eating and drinking and laughing to capture photos like I did with Madeline. Next time! Next time!!!