When I see defined, ripped abs I feel like I'm lookin' at exquisite works of art!
To me, the abdominal region of the human body is the seXXXiest part of the body!!!
I couldn't care less about a FACE if the abs look like they've been sculpted within an inch of life by Michelangelo!!!
I know if I really worked at it, MINE would be slammmmmin' instead of just...uh...nice.
Well, all this yammerin' on just leads me to give props to three of the young fellas on my Facebook Friends list who've just posted their latest, ab pix!
And the white kid is a mere 18, friggin' yrs old!!!!!!!
Kudos to all three of 'em for PUTTIN' IN THE WORK!
It's no wonder that SUCCESS seems to stick like glue to those who PUT IN THE WORK!!!!
On that note, let me get my butt off this computer and onto the floor for a hundred push-ups!!!!!!