My brother's S.U.V.
The hit-and-run driver's vehicle.

My brother texted me a couple nights ago that he had just been in an automobile collision and that the person who hit him fled the scene immediately afterward. Can you believe that? The person nails him and keeps going! My brother's vehicle was too damaged to drive, so he was stuck at the scene of the accident until the police came. Luckily, there was a witness or two who followed the hit-and-run driver to his apartment building. They, in turn, led the police to his doorstep, too. The guy's car was impounded, but he wasn't arrested at the time. The police knocked on his door, but he wouldn't answer it. So, my brother doesn't know what has happened with the case since then. All he knows is that he's verrrry unhappy with the tiny, rental car he has right now till his SUV is fixed. He said he's driving a Chevy Cobalt. Haaa! That's one of the rental cars I almost ALWAYS get when I rent! And, no, I don't love the tiny vehicle, but it sure beats the heck out of hoppin' on a train or a bus! --- I'm just happy my brother is fine. I hope & pray the person who hit him feels some kind of remorse for what he did. Because his actions were those of a person who couldn't have cared less what happened to anyone except himself. And I don't want to believe that's the case. I just don't. -- Oh...turns out the hit-and-run driver is a Mexican. The police told my brother that he probably fled the scene because he is/was either a.) uninsured b.) unlicensed c.) an illegal alien d.) intoxicated --- or --- e.) ALL of the above! Geez! Gotta love America!!!
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