Today I went to a
church service around the corner from my apt. This was my first time there. I met a dude a couple weeks ago who invited me to join him at the church one Sunday. Well, today was that Sunday! Anyway, the young pastor,
Touré Roberts, preached a message that resonated with me. And the vocalists certainly ministered to me thru song. The overall message was that we want more of God, but I heard God talking to me, telling me he wanted more of me. And more FROM me. Pastor Roberts preached that the old me is dead. And that thinking and acting like the old me---the dead me---must change. His message affirmed that I am already the incredible man I sometimes think I want to become. I am that man already. This very moment. In order for me to live a new and more rewarding life requires that I let the old me---the dead me---go. And, starting right here and now, I shall. I have. God wants more of me. And more FROM me. And He deserves it. And so do I.
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