Thursday, August 9, 2018

Second Time Around

It was 1986.

I was 22 years old.

And I was ECSTATIC to be getting braces for my ridiculously crooked teeth.

Yes, I had to pay for them myself, but, so what! It was WORTH it!

I wore them for a little over two years.

When they were removed, I had a permanent retainer placed behind my front, lower teeth. I begged Dr. Arbuckle to remove it. He fought with me and said that I should keep it there, in addition to wearing my upper retainer.

Well, he lost the argument and removed that bar.

Then I lost my upper retainer.

And my teeth shifted to even WORSE than they were originally.

Lo' and behold, while surfing Facebook, I stumbled across an ad.

I thought it was The Universe's way of telling me to do something about my crooked teeth.

So, today, at the blessed age of 54, I reverted back to my 22-year-old self.

And I am slightly embarrassed happy to say that I am once again a man with a railroad track smile.

You can hardly see my ceramic braces!

And thanks to Henrry, the orthodontic assistant, this second time around, I'm gonna do EVERYTHING according to the STRAIGHT TEETH and narrow. :)

Burbank Family Dental, thank you!


  1. Thank you so much for your 2nd time wearing braces, I have infected root hiding inside the gums after getting my braces on.

  2. Esther, I'm doing exactly as the orthodontist prescribes, so hopefully, no complications will arise. 😁
