Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Thank You, Langston

MOTHER to SON by Langston Hughes

Well, son, I’ll tell you: 

Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I’se been a’climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners, 
And sometimes goin’ in the dark, 
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back;
Don’t you sit down on the steps, 
’Cause you finds it’s kinder hard;
Don’t you fall now—
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair. 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Ever So Thankful

Okay, so today is THANKSGIVING DAY and I appreciate all that...


After stuffing my face, I set out on one of my usual walks through the neighborhood.

And boy, oh, boy, did I enjoy looking at the homes of several of my neighbors who are already in the Christmas spirit!!!

I'm gonna be sure to walk the same route on Christmas Eve so I can see how many other neighbors have committed to a dazzling Christmas light display!!!

Oh, and tonight my brother's stepdaughter hosted her first holiday dinner at her new house.

As you can see, she went ALL OUT!!!

Again, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to one and all!!!! 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Showbiz, It's Just Showbiz


I attended a screening of Mr. Crocket at the recent Screamfest in Hollywood.

It was the first time that writer/director, Brandon Espy, and I saw it on a big screen.

And it was GLORIOUS!!! 

Hearing the audience's reaction to particular scenes truly made my day!!!

While at the event, Brandon told me that our terrific, horror short film was in production as a feature. 


I know, for many, that info would have been a tough pill to swallow, but I understood. The people paying for the production wanted an actor who had major credits.

And I am not he.

Of course, I wanted to know WHO booked my role, so Brandon told me.

After I left the screening, I looked up the actor and read his credits. Turns out he was an actor in a TV show I really liked. 

Good for him.

I told Brandon I'd really like to attend the premiere of the feature film.

Production was halted because of the SAG strike. I suspect it'll be up and shooting again soon. I mean, as long as SAG members ratify a vote to end the strike.

Honestly, I'm not losing any sleep over the fact I wasn't booked to expand on my role as "Mr. Crocket."

I understand.

I fully understand.

It's showbiz.

It's just showbiz.

Thursday, November 9, 2023



Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Samsung Selfies

My love affair with Samsung phones began with the purchase of a Samsung Galaxy S3.

I was the laughingstock of my friend group because I didn't cave in to their delusion that iPhones were the end-all be-all.

"iPhones take better pictures," they said.

"Blah, blah, blah" is all I heard.

Well, suffice it to say that since my Galaxy S3, I've been so satisfied that I upgraded to an S6, then upgraded again to an S9+ which I'm currently using.

Yes, I keep my phones for quite awhile because I keep them in great shape.

I gotta admit, though, that some might think I get carried away with all the Samsung selfies I take. 

And yep, every photo on this post is compliments of one of my Samsung phones!!!

Hey, I gotta keep my family in Indiana abreast of what the heck I'm doing out here without them in sunny southern California!!! 😂😂😂

And I gotta show them that being out in the California sunshine looks really good on me!!!

Thanks, Samsung!!! ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿

Thank You, Mr. David Milch

I just completed reading LIFE'S WORK, a memoir by TV writer, David Milch.

I have an interesting link to the man.

At one point in my life, I worked as a cater-waiter for a terrific chef named Thomas Symon. David's wife, Rita, would sometimes hire Tom to cater Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. I'd always accept those gigs because they paid double-time.

Anyway, whenever I worked for the Milch family, David was always very pleasant. And very generous. A cater-waiter truly appreciates a great tipper!

At that house, I'd see famous faces from a few of David's television shows. Particularly actors from NYPD Blue. I recall seeing Steven Bochco too.

What I didn't know about are the various addictions that were holding David hostage.

This memoir introduced me to the REAL David Milch.

Not just the rich and famous TV series creator/writer.


Intellectually, I know that no man is his profession. But usually, you don't know a person beyond his profession. What goes on behind his closed doors is off-limits to our knowledge.

I was moved to read this book because I've spent time in his presence.

In his home.

Around his wife.

Around his children.

Around his beloved dogs.

Yet never knew ONE thing about his internal and external battles.

At 78 years of age, David has truly lived one helluva life. And he has been immeasurably blessed to have his wife, Rita, by his side.

Rita Stern Milch is the LIVING definition of a wife who has stood by her husband...

For better, for worse: his addiction to heroin.

For richer, for poorer: he lost millions unbeknownst to her due to gambling.

In sickness and in health: since 2019, he has been living with Alzheimer's in an assisted-living residence. 

I wish the entire Milch family well. 

May goodness and mercy embrace them for the remainder of their earthly existence.

And thank you, Mr. David Milch, for all the incredible hours of television entertainment and enlightenment you've bestowed upon us.

A thorough book review appears HERE.

Dear Mrs. Althoff

I recently found this note on the corner of Ventura Blvd and Fulton Ave in Sherman Oaks.

I don't know who she is, but I feel pretty confident somebody has a massive crush on her!!!

What I wanna know, though, is if the person with the crush accidentally lost the note...


...if Mrs. Althoff read it, then tossed it!!!

Inquiring minds wanna know!!! 🤔🤔🤔

Halloween 2023

Although my trick-or-treat days are behind me, I still like walking around neighborhoods to see Halloween decorations!!!

I can clearly see that some homeowners are really into Halloween.

And some AREN'T!!! 🤭🤭🤭

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Greer Songs


I love surfing YouTube and TikTok for new music. I'm blown away by how many incredibly talented singer/songwriters there are.

GREER BAXTER is gonna be a STAR!!! 

Her songwriting is nuanced and relatable.

And her voice is clear and beautifully pleasant to the ears.

This little snippet of her song, "City Limits" shows me this song SHOULD receive hourly radio airplay.

To me, it's THAT infectious!!!

All I know is I'm gonna sing her praises to EVERY person I know who appreciates meaningful lyrics and a sweet voice!!!

Yes, I'll continue to surf the internet to hear more and more new voices, but when it comes to GREER, to quote her "City Limits"...

"I know I'll always come back home." 

Friday, October 27, 2023

You Got My Vote

With all the craziness going on these days, our votes are more important now than ever!!! 😂😂😂😂

Goodbye, Fellas 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

I have recently worked as a stand-in for all three of these gentlemen. 

Now, they're gone. 

May their souls rest in eternal peace. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 

#LanceReddick #RonCephasJones #RichardRoundtree

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Crowd Control

For most comedians, their act is almost exclusively comprised of written jokes.

Then there's MATT RIFE.

Based upon all his viral videos, it appears his act relies heavily on his improvisational interaction with the audience. His witty, back and forth repartee with his audiences keep them in stitches.

His rising success has already got veteran comedians a little salty. They don't see him as a comedian who delivers jokes in the realm of Eddie Murphy and others. No, they see him as a "pretty boy" who undoubtedly owes his success almost solely to his looks.

Well, suffice it to say that if crowd control is his "in" to comedy riches, he's succeeding tenfold. His shows sell out within hours.

From what I've witnessed, his interaction with his audiences illustrates a man with a razor sharp mind who can come up with a quick-witted response within seconds.

And heck, it's not HIS fault he's not bad on the eyes!!!

I wish him the very best!!!

Monday, August 7, 2023

We Shall Overcome

The SAG-AFTRA and WGA unions are striking

As a member of SAG-AFTRA, our main concerns are residual pay from streaming services and artificial intelligence (AI).

Truth be told, earning a sustainable living in showbiz has gotten to be really, really, really difficult for the vast majority of us who aren't superstars. It's glaringly apparent that producers want to pay as little as they legally can whilst expecting as much creativity from us as they can possibly get.


Yes, this strike is the last thing any of us want. In fact, this whole experience feels like Covid Shutdown 2.0. It has put a serious hurt on many of our bank accounts; just like Covid did.

If SAG-AFTRA members meet specific requirements, they can contact the organizations listed below for financial assistance. Those requirements and all other pertinent info can be found on the links. 

1.) SAG-AFTRA Foundation Emergency Financial Assistance and Disaster Relief Fund

2.) Entertainment Community Fund

I clearly see both unions are determined to do what's best for their members. And I'm immeasurably thankful for that. But in the meantime and in-between time, it looks like I'm gonna have to procure some other income. Starting over again has been a feat I've tackled many a time, but geez, at damn near 60??? Well, a brotha has to do what a brotha has to do!!!

At this point, all I can do is keep pushing FORWARD and call upon FAITH!

The biblical definition of FAITH is also MINE: "...the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."



Wednesday, June 28, 2023

What I Know For Sure

So, let it be WRITTEN.

So, let it be DONE!

Monday, May 29, 2023

My Personality

From time to time, a casting director will ask me to record a self-tape, illustrating my personality.

But they don't want more than 20 seconds!

WHAT the @#$!?

How the heck can I show off this incredible personality of mine within 20 seconds???

Well, let's just say that THEIR idea of 20 seconds and MINE just might be a tad different!!! 😂😂😂

I AM who I AM!!!

All FORTY-TWO seconds of me!!! 😂😂😂

Ripe & Juicy

When it comes to selecting a watermelon, I subscribe to the belief that the heaviest one with a big yellow patch is the winner.

Most often, my picks are on the money. But sometimes they aren't.

This time, I hit pay dirt!!!

Ripe and juicy describe this baby!!!

I'm down to the clear container. Emptied the other two within two days. 

I can't get enough of watermelon.

Stereotype be damned!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂