Saturday, October 28, 2023

Greer Songs


I love surfing YouTube and TikTok for new music. I'm blown away by how many incredibly talented singer/songwriters there are.

GREER BAXTER is gonna be a STAR!!! 

Her songwriting is nuanced and relatable.

And her voice is clear and beautifully pleasant to the ears.

This little snippet of her song, "City Limits" shows me this song SHOULD receive hourly radio airplay.

To me, it's THAT infectious!!!

All I know is I'm gonna sing her praises to EVERY person I know who appreciates meaningful lyrics and a sweet voice!!!

Yes, I'll continue to surf the internet to hear more and more new voices, but when it comes to GREER, to quote her "City Limits"...

"I know I'll always come back home." 

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