Sometime last week I was talkin' on the phone to a young lady and told her that I noticed a few days before that that I had been removed as a "friend" on FaceBook profile of a mutual acquaintance. She told me that he had removed me way back in August of last year! Really????? Since I rarely talk to him I never noticed. The only reason I happened to notice was because I was reading someone else's page and saw a comment by him. Since I hadn't spoken with him in a bit, I clicked onto his profile and the "add as friend" image popped up. I thought, I'll be damned, dude removed me as his friend. The young lady went on to tell me that he removed me because of my friendship with her and he didn't wanna see post of hers on my page. Whatever. Well, today I did the same thing with another dude I know and lo' and behold, HE has removed me, TOO! Lawd, have mercy! It's a damn good thing my feelings aren't easily hurt, 'cause I'd be cryin' right about now. I must admit, though, I do wonder why the SECOND guy ditched me!!!! Does HE know the chick, TOO???? Ha!
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