No matter what JOB I have or HOUSE I live in or CAR I drive or ROMANCE I embrace, I am MORE than ALL those things!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Brunch Of Champions

Ain't No Singer Fab Enough

Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Opposite Of Right

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Let There Be Peace

Iyanla's latest book: PEACE From BROKEN PIECES...
Keeping Up With The KarMILLIONS!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Time Keeps On Slippin', Slippin'

Don't Worry About Me; I'll Manage!
I incorporated my talent management firm, Miss Juanita Management, Inc. (named after my beloved, decased mommy) back on October 20th, 2007. I had such huge expectations for my business. I had planned to serve as Hollywood's go-to, talent manager for non-white actors. I wanted to see what I could do to make the thousands of invisible, non-white actors & actresses in this town---visible. I jumped through all the required hoops to obtain access to audition notices and the such. I read various industry publications to familiarize myself with who's who in this town. But it didn't take me long to recognize that the people who truly moved mountains in this town DON'T look like me. And don't come from similar backgrounds to mine. What they did possess similar to me was the desire to do something creative in this town. So, that was our single similarity I clung to for survival as a Hollywood, talent manager. However, over time, I could see that the battle I had waged against the status quo was consuming me. Drowning me, actually. My clients would book a job here and there, but not enough to sustain themselves as working actors. And most assuredly not enough to sustain me! I found myself hustling like a mad man during the day with talent management duties and hustling even harder at night with cater-waiter duties! Yep, you heard me! I had to resort back to cater-waitering to pay my bills. And, even with that work, I still got behind financially. Something had to give! And that something was my client roster. I had to accept that if I was going to earn any money as a manager, I was going to have to sign white actors. So, I did just that. And, in time, the single, young, white actor I signed was screen-tested to be a lead in a tv pilot. The show was about identical twins, so his twin brother (who wasn't an actor) flew in and learned his lines (by the skin of his teeth) so that he, too, screen-tested beside his brother. Neither were members of SAG. But both were young. White. And male. The Hollywood JACKPOT!!! The pilot didn't get picked up, so that was that. Shortly thereafter, I decided to close my business. I wasn't going to file bankruptcy in order to get non-white actors a job on television and film. Well, fast-forward to today and I still harbor an itching desire to continue what I started. Call me crazy, but I still find myself drawn to knowing what's being developed and cast. And, from time to time, I still make calls to get a few folks into casting offices! Maybe this work is my destiny. My calling. Whatever the heck it is, I hope and pray something jumps off PRONTO! 'Cause this ol' dude ain't broke. But his cash has been on a much-too-long leave of absence!!! Haaa! But don't worry about me. Somehow. Some way. I'll manage. :) --- Maybe even till I'm on the same level as the Hollywood, Talent Manager ALL-STARS---PAST & PRESENT!!!!!

The most interesting fact about the Hollywood, talent manager moguls pictured above is that I've met each and every one of 'em....So what that our initial meetings were me asking, "Would you like coffee or tea?" --- But don't worry about me. I'll MANAGE!! 'Cause you-know-who AIN'T sung just yet!!!!!
Bernie Brillstein (R.I.P.)

Sandy Gallin

Rick Yorn

Geyer Kosinski

Benny Medina

Cynthia Pett-Dante

Monday, February 21, 2011
Her Very Words

A drunk man tells you his sober thoughts.
Meaning: Whatever a drunk person tells you, he MEANS it!
A bird in the hand beats two in the bush.
Meaning: If the chubby chick wants you and two, skinny chicks only sorta like you, go with the chubby chick before you wound up with NONE!
A raggedy ride beats a dressed-up walk.
Meaning: It's better to drive a beat-up, old car everywhere you go than to wear a three-piece suit and have to WALK!
If you're mad, scratch your ass and get glad.
Meaning: Nobody really gives a damn that you're mad!
If you find a dummy, bump his head.
Meaning: If you encounter a foolish person, treat him foolishly.
Romance without finance is a nuisance.
Meaning: Dating someone who has no money will get on your damn nerves!
Looks like dammit, I'll bite you.
Meaning: A person, place or thing has a wretched appearance!
Being poor ain't a disgrace. It's just a damn inconvenience.
Meaning: Self-explanatory!
God helps the rich 'cause the poor can beg.
Meaning: Self-explanatory (but oh, so politicially INCORRECT!)
Thinking Of You

Tell me, Mama, is your life a better change?
And tell me, Mama,
Would you live your life the same?
Or come back and rearrange?
Tell me, Mama, how is freedom?
Oh, I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be.
And I'm trying now.
Oh, I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be, yeah.
Tell me, Mama,
Are the colors deeper shades?
And tell me, Mama,
Are there great big brass parades?
Does the sun shine night and day?
Tell me, Mama, no more sleeping.
And tell me, Mama, no more weeping.
I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be.
And I'm trying now.
Oh I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be.
And I'm trying now
Oh I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be.
And I'm trying now.
Oh I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be, yeah.
Hey, Mama, hey, Mama, Mama
No, no, no, no, no.
Oh no, no, no, no, no.
Tell me, Mama, is it just the way they say?
Tell me, Mama.
And tell me, Mama, are you missing me the way
That I'm missing you today?
Tell me, Mama, can you hear me?
Oh, I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be.
And I'm trying now.
Oh, I'm thinking of you.
Thinking of you.
Mama, I know I'm not everything you wanted me to be, but I'm truly working on being all the man I want to be. And, when I'm there, I'm 100% positive that'll be the man you'd want me to be. I love you. And miss you. And am always thinking of you.
And tell me, Mama, are you missing me the way that I'm missing you today???
Going Against...

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Iyanla Ain't Oprah

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My Own Show

Monday, February 14, 2011
What Will Be, Will Be

Will You Be My VALENTINE????

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Beau Knows

Father Doesn't Know Best

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Me And Mr. & Mrs. Jones

Thank You For Shopping Walmart
The sweet retiree said pleasantly, "Good morning, and welcome to Walmart.
Nice children you have there. They're twins, right?"
The mean-spirited woman stopped yelling long enough to grunt, "Hell no, they ain't twins! The oldest one's nine, and the other one's six. Why the hell would you think they're twins? Are you blind, stupid or both?"
The sweet retiree replied, "I'm neither blind nor stupid, ma'am. I just assumed they were twins 'cause I'm sure NOBODY is blind or stupid enough to sleep with you twice!"
The sweet retiree is now working at TARGET. ;) Haaa!
Monday, February 7, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011
Lean On Me
13-yr-old Nadin Khoury got the shock of his life earlier this week when pro-football player, DeSean Jackson, and two of his teammates were introduced to him on live television (ABC's The View). Back in January, Nadin was bullied by seven, older, male students from his school. The older boys dragged him through the snow and tossed him up into a tree. When he got down from the tree, they hung him from a tall, metal fence. A fence that could've pierced his body and caused fatal harm. The not-the-brightest boys videotaped the entire incident and uploaded the video to YouTube. That's what got them in trouble. Since Nadin is making the rounds, telling his story, the producers of The View knew he's a huge fan of the Philadelphia Eagles and, DeSean Jackson, in particular. So, the show arranged for Desean to come onto the show and present Nadin with season tickets to the Eagles' games and the jersey off his back (literally)! While watching this exchange, I sat and cried like a baby. Yes, as I grow older, I'm also growing more sensitive. It saddens me beyond description when I hear about how downright cruel unkind people are to each other. I'm ecstatic that this young boy got something great out of a horrible situation. Indeed, there are blessings everywhere we go. In everything we endure. We simply have to be still to recognize them. God bless Nadin Khoury. And God bless DeSean for making the little boy's eyes light up like a Christmas tree in the wake of what could've been a horrific tragedy.
Everybody And Their Mama

With This Ring, I Do Not Wed

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Lucifer LLC

Traveling Man

It's All Right...It's All Right

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

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