I just watched two, *SSHOLES with road rage rippin' up my street! One of them slammed on his breaks so that the other would either hit him from behind or...well, I don't know what else he could have expected. I'll call that *sshole the, "the white dude." The guy behind him, "the black dude," immediately raced in front of the white dude. The white dude tried to pass him, but the black dude cut in front of him again. This allowed the white dude to quickly turn onto another street. Of course, the *sshole, black dude immediately did some quick maneuvering to turn onto the same street. By the time I walked up to that street to see what was up (yeah, I just HAD to see!), the white dude had turned his car around and raced back onto my street. The black dude was pulled over on the side of this side street with his blinkers flashing. I don't know what transpired before I could get to that street to see them. But I do know that both of them will have one hell of a tale to relay to friends and family tonight. And I'm sure both their tales will be 5% fact and 95% FICTION! *SSHOLES!!!!
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