My college, 25th Reunion takes place in less than a month. I've noticed that almost NONE of my classmates have signed up to return. In fact, there are only three or four listed at present. As pathetic as that seems, it doesn't bother me in the least. Because I will enjoy WHOMEVER shows up. I learned a long time ago that I, and I alone, determine whether or not I'm gonna have a good time WHEREVER I go. Although I've already paid to attend, I haven't yet purchased a plane ticket. And, truth be told, it's because a plane ticket isn't really in my budget. But, where there's a will, there's a way. --- I must admit, though, that I do wonder why my classmates don't want to return. I reckon I have to accept that for many, their college years were their college years. And they keep them reserved in their memories. And that's enough for them. Although I enjoy reunions of every kind, I realize that they simply aren't for everybody. And that's just fine. That's just fine.
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