Saturday, November 24, 2012

Doin' Nothin' Feels Sooo Good!

I awakened this morning and knew immediately that I wasn't gonna do much of anything today.  I just lay in the bed, giving gratitude for all the things and people I'm thankful for.  Then, I just let my mind drift wherever it wanted to go.  I eventually watched The First 48 Missing Persons on the computer.  From the bed, of course.  Then, I watched an episode of the new Dallas.  Also while lying in the bed!  I felt like watching it because the great, Larry Hagman, passed away a day or two ago.  I'll always remember him as one of tv's most reviled and beloved villains of all-time!  So long, J.R. Ewing!  On this lazy Saturday in November, it was a pleasure watching you again in the same role that made you a colossal, tv star back in the '70s!!!!  Nothing lasts forever.  Not even this incredible, lazy day!

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