Friday, June 29, 2018

Back In The Day

What's going on in today's world?

I recall being a kid (10-15) and always hearing older people (that would be folks older than 25) talking about life being better "back in the day."

Well, I'm 54 now, and I fully understand what they meant.

When I was a kid...

Nobody had surveillance cameras attached to their house.

Nobody worried about leaving a house door unlocked.

Nobody worried about leaving a car door unlocked.

People borrowed sugar.

And eggs.

And ice (if your family had one of those new-fangled refrigerators with an ice dispenser in the door). My family was one of those families, thank you very much!!!! :)

Nobody wore a helmet when riding a bike.

Nobody told their parents everywhere they were going when riding a bike.

People knew their neighbors' names. At least, their nick names. :)

Young people showed respect to older people.

Parents WANTED teachers to discipline their children in their absence.

Parents BELIEVED what teachers told them.

People talked to each other during meals.

Heck, people talked to each other, in general.

Yes, since my youth, technology has changed the entire landscape.

And, unfortunately, not all for the better.

Back in the day, I was filled with soooo many dreams and truly believed I could and would realize all of them.

Now, I realize that some of those dreams might always be relegated to dreams.

And you know what?

I'm fine with that.

I'll continue to write when I feel like writing, and to treat people the way I want to be treated whether I feel like doing so or not.

And whatever comes from those endeavors, will come.

And I'm fine with that.

I'm truly fine with that.

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