Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Strike Up The Band (of Teachers)

Today is Day 2 of a teachers strike in the Los Angeles Unified School District. A first for California, even a charter school has joined the fray.

As a member of SAG-AFTRA, I even joined the picket line! Yep, the union wanted us to stand in solidarity with the teachers, so I did. And was happy to do so! No, I didn't stand out there for a long time, but long enough to get soaked!

What do the teachers want, you ask?

1.) Lower class sizes!  --- Many of the classes are 40+ students. With NO aides to assist the teacher!! Can you imagine being expected to get through to 40+ second graders at once? By yourself????? Geez!

2.) Higher salaries! --- In a nutshell, sports fans get highly upset if their favorite superstar athlete isn't being paid his multi-million dollar "worth." Yet, just willingly accept that teachers are paid crap wages. Teachers who are entrusted with the teaching of our precious children. Sounds ridiculous, right? Because it IS!!!!!

3.) More counselors and nurses! --- Some 1000 schools in Los Angeles County are at a deficit where counselors and nurses are concerned.

Students are expected to attend classes although their teachers won't be there. The substitutes called in are treading on thin ice by coming into the classrooms. They, too, have to know the despair the regular teachers endure.

I hope and pray this strike ends PRONTO! But the teachers' needs MUST be met! They simply MUST! The teachers can't be as impactful as they should be without the proper classroom sizes, aides, and salary.

Dear God, Dear Universe, please get them what they need.


Read about the strike HERE!


  1. Love this Bro Cam, and thanks for supporting the teachers. Proud to be a Sag-Aftra member with you as well.

    1. You guys deserve EVERYTHING you need!!!!!! EVERYTHING!!!
