Sunday, June 9, 2019

Take Your Shot

This young lady rented a billboard to get Tyler Perry's attention.

She really, really wants to work in one of his productions.

Well, turns out she did indeed get his attention, although his response below undoubtedly wasn't exactly what she sought.

"Auhhh....’s the deal. This is not the way to get my attention if you’re looking for a role in one of my shows. Please DON’T DO THIS, SAVE YOUR MONEY!! This is the third time that someone has done this. PLEASE STOP! To audition is FREE!! I’m sure you can use that money for a better purpose. I love that you want to work with me, and I love that you invest in yourself. But when you do things like this it puts my team on high alert and makes me look at you sideways. I know the message that you want to send is a positive one, but this comes across as the opposite. Again, the best way to work for me is to AUDITION and it’s FREE! We post breakdowns all the time for actors. JUST COME AND AUDITION. And by the way, you were great in THE NIGHT OF! It was my favorite show a couple years ago. I ALREADY SAW YOU!! So just audition and keep your money!! Again, I appreciate your effort, but that’s not the way to work for me. God bless you dreamer. I have no doubt you will make it one day!!" 

In a television interview, she said his casting people reached out to her and asked her to submit a self-taped audition, which she did.

So, now, what will be, will be.

I gotta give her kudos, though, for stepping out on faith and betting on herself.

Believe me, nobody wants to wake up one morning at 55 and wonder what could have been had they just gone for whatever they wanted.

I wish her the very best!

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