Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mean People Suck!

WHY do people write the most heinous and denigrating comments known to man in a blog's comments section?  Especially those celebrity-driven blogs!  Whew!  I had to stop reading them because of the horrific statements.  Intellectually I know why people write such bile.  They do it because they're anonymous!  You can bet your bottom dollar that if their photographs and actual names HAD to be used, the comments would be a lot different.  And a lot fewer!  The people who spew such venom will only do so safely hidden under the cloak of anonymity.  A wise man (or woman) said that what a man does when he thinks he's not being watched is the true representation of his character.  You know what?  From this point forward I'm gonna challenge myself to live my life as if a blinding spotlight is shining on me everywhere I go!


  1. Cam, I found and used the MEAN PEOPLE SUCK sticker on your blog for my facebook status.

    I just needed to express it, because it is hard to accept when someone is so mean to you, even if you have gone through so much in their favor. As a woman we have suffering that no man, and no fault of his own, can understand. Just a function of biology... But makes it harder to endure the insults when they come from a place not knowing. Anyway, enough of my story-from-a-stranger.

    I will take the opportunity to say that you are a gorgeous man, and hope to spread a smile to someone today!! I wish you the best!!

    PS: As a 6'3" tall woman, and recently the "girlfriend" in Lagos, Nigeria, I am accustomed to feeling "on stage" and every move watched, misinterpreted, etc...

  2. Treesa, my heart goes out to you and I hope & pray that you realize that no matter what JOB you have or HOUSE you live in or CAR you drive or LOVER you take, you are BIGGER than all those things! SIGNIFICANTLY BIGGER!!!! God bless you!!!
