Monday, November 16, 2009

Razr Dull

Four years ago a married couple I know persuaded me to switch from Nextel to T-mobile (their service), so we could talk for free.  I don't think they even waited three months before they changed carriers!!  Still, I was optimistic all my cellular phone troubles were behind me.  However, it didn't take long before I realized I had only swapped from one evil to the lesser of two evils!  From the outset I could hardly hear unless I used its speakerphone feature.  The connection in my apartment is wretched!  And the connection outdoors is only half a step above wretched!  Currently I don't have a contract, so I can leave at any time.  I won't make a move, though, 'til I find out what service the married couple uses now.  That's the only way I can know for sure what service NOT to use!!!

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