Tuesday, March 13, 2018

That's What She Said

Miss Winfrey sure does bless us with some bona fide gems.

Over the course of my adult life, I've been bold enough to ask folks for all sorts of things. Unfortunately, when some of those folks granted me what I asked for, I second-guessed myself and didn't think I possessed the skill set to fulfill my ask.

So, I asked for naught.

Well, when it comes to helping others, I seem to maintain my bold mindset from the ask and beyond. Such is the case right now when it comes to my godson, Jordan.

The young fella just graduated from college with a degree in Sports Marketing. His mother told me earlier today that he might be taking a job in the mailroom of a bank.

A what!!????

Working in a dang bank's mailroom is about as far away from his sports marketing interest as...well...milking cows!

I hopped onto the computer, researched some sports internships, then sent him the info. I told him to APPLY, APPLY, APPLY!

At 54, I clearly see that if one is gonna work at the bottom of the totem poll, he might as well do so WITHIN the industry that interests him! No need working as a host in a sushi restaurant when you want to build cars for a living! Work in a dang auto garage!

I know most people won't ask for what they truly want because they fear rejection. If being rejected won't kill you, no need fearing it!

Speak up and let folks know what you want! I've always been amazed at how many people will come to our aid if we simply ask for their help.

My mother repeated a particular phrase to us kids all the time:

So, no more keepin' my mouth shut when I want somethin'!

Nor when I want somethin' for somebody ELSE!

Godson, a sports-related job is a-comin'!!!!

Asketh and thou shalt receiveth! :)

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