Monday, April 30, 2018

Hellz YES!

Today begins my godson's first day at his new job at YES (Yankees Entertainment and Sports Network). I'm not exactly sure what he'll be doing, but I reckon he'll let me know soon enough.

I'm happy for him, because he loves sports. Particularly baseball and football. So, working in a field he loves is just what the doctor ordered. Starting from the ground up will expose him to different facets of the sports business, then he can decide where he'd like to devote most of his energy.

He graduated from college last summer, so I'd say he's moving along pretty well. He was getting a little discouraged for a bit there, because he was working at Bed Bath & Beyond and did an internship for NBC Sports during the Winter Olympics.

The sage advice I had to offer was as follows:

"Go into that gig doing EVERYTHING they ask of you, and even come up with MORE to do!!!! That will show them you mean BUSINESS!!!! NEVER COMPLAIN, even if it's warranted!!!"

I also told him that he can achieve ANYTHING!! As long as he WORKS his butt off and BELIEVES!

I sure wish someone had given me that exact, same advice before I began my internship at GMA. I was the WORST intern ever! But that's a story I'll have to save for a later post! :)

Well, after his first week, we'll see what he thinks of the gig.

Yep, we'll see!!!!!  :)

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