Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Previously, on Big Brother...

This past August, ambassadors from my college alma mater jetted to Los Angeles to interview me about my work in television.

The interview is featured in their terrific publication, WABASH MAGAZINE.

I gave them a behind-the-scenes tour of the BIG BROTHER production soundstage. No, I couldn't show them the actual Big Brother house, because some of the houseguests were still living in it.

Instead, I took them onto the Live Eviction set, and into the backyard.

They were able to see a competition set being built for that night's competition.

They saw the folks monitoring the house's 94 HD cameras and 113 microphones.

Then I loaded them up on a golf cart and drove them onto Gunsmoke Ave., where I sat on a bench in front of a NYC building facade, and poured my little heart out about my sometimes hella interesting professional life.

Yes, since my college graduation, this ol' dude has worked a job or two.

Some, I liked.

Most, I didn't.

I won't be returning to Big Brother next month.

Instead, at 55, I intend to exploit my acting, writing and voice-over talents.

I am a PHENOMENAL human being.

So, I'll be fine.

Correction: BETTER than fine.

I look forward to what 2019 will bring.

Truth be told, it'll bring me whatever I WORK for!

Wabash College's article about moi can be found right HERE!

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