Tuesday, December 22, 2009

46 Years Of BLESSINGS!

Today is Dec. 22nd, 2009.  I was brought into this world on Dec. 22nd, 1963.  As a teenager, I always thought Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons were singing about my mama (Miss Juanita) and ME in their song, "Oh What A Night."  The following lyrics in the song described us to a "t:"

"Oh, what a night.
Late December back in '63.
What a very special time for me,
'Cause I remember what a night."

Every time I heard that song I felt special!  And, you know what?  All these years later, I STILL feel special!  What I've learned in 46 years is that I CANNOT be defined by a JOB TITLE.  Nor a BANK ACCOUNT.  Nor a LOVER.  Nor a HOUSE.  Nor an AUTOMOBILE.  Nor a BODY SHAPE.  I am MORE THAN ALL those things!  SIGNIFICANTLY more!  As the new year bursts into being next week, what I know for sure is this:  I LOVE and AM LOVED in RETURN.  I think COGNITIVELY.  I can SEE, HEAR, TASTE and TOUCH.  I can use the bathroom by MYSELF!  As long as these "qualities of life" are in existence, this ol' dude is BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAM Jr!!!  Now, go out there and make someone else feel HAPPY to be ALIVE!  Holla!

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