My upstairs neighbors are at it again. No, not making love. FIGHTING! Throwing SH*T! Yelling! Breaking SH*T! I hear the chick yelling at him to get out of HER house! And I hear him yelling back, "You're messin' up things!" Really??? Keep in mind that this is the same couple who got into a tiff last summer that lead the dude to attempt suicide! That chick must really be somethin'! She smiles and speaks when I see her. I reckon since I'm not the one bangin' her, I don't get to see the REAL her. And I reckon that's just fine by me!!! Last year, I would've said that I look forward to the day they move. But, this year...oh, no. I don't want THEM to do a DAMN thing! 'Cause THIS year...I'M moving! And I'm moving into a very, very comfortable and well-appointed abode that I'VE purchased! Don't know WHEN, but I know I AM!!!! Until then, though, all I gotta say about my upstairs neighbors is: Lawd, have mercy!!!!
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