Tuesday, February 12, 2019

I'm Your Guardian Angel

I truly believe I'm a Guardian Angel.

I truly do.

More times than I can count, I have approached or been approached by someone I've never met and wound up talking to them candidly about life.

Their lives.

And every time I do it, that person leaves me feeling better about his/her life than he/she did before we met.

Tonight was one of those times.

While waiting for the train, I struck up a conversation with a young man sitting next to me on the platform.

Our conversation started off about careless people who litter. From there, it segued to his job as a server at The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.

He told me that all the servers were called into a meeting recently, and told that the restaurant would be closed for six months to undergo renovation.

He was told that management would try to find work inside the hotel for him during the six months, but couldn't promise anything.

The moment he told me about the six-month renovation, I told him that The Universe is trying to tell him something.

To move on with his life.

I told him that That Universe knows he has been dragging his feet about pursuing what truly interests him, so it decided to end the obstacle that's keeping him from being all he can be.

The young man jumped to his feet and said, "Man, one of my friends just told me something similar."

I said: "See, The Universe has no mouth of its own, so it sends people like me and your friend to do its talking instead."

I rose to my feet and gave him the biggest bear hug.

Then the train arrived.

We boarded it and sat next to each other.

He opened up more.

It turns out he's 38 years blessed, but looks younger.

And he's a recovering drug addict.

He fled Vegas almost two years ago to lift himself out of the drug-induced haze he was living under.

He had just a little more than a hundred dollars when he fled.

Now, he's here.

And he's strong.

And he's clean.

But he's not living the life he deeply desires. Hell, I know that feeling.

Beginning July, he'll be unable to go back to that hotel to toil away at what doesn't interest him.

He now knows The Universe has given him plenty of time to make his move before July.

And it sent ME tonight to remind him.

He longs to be an actor.

Surprise, surprise.

If he puts his nose to the grindstone and steps out of his comfort zone, the sky's the limit.

Hell, The Universe has a plan for him, just like it has for all of us.

So, again, I say, he longs to be an actor.

Well, his name just happens to be BRANDO.

The Universe sure gives us signs to where it wants us to go, doesn't it?

And I, CAM Jr, the Guardian Angel, will do what I can to help folks get there.

I reckon, though, it would serve me best to begin with ME! :)

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