Monday, February 4, 2019

People Are Hurting

Today, a young fella I know reached out to me and told me that he's now going to AA meetings. He's an actor and comedian, so, like so many other aspiring performers, he's happy when he's working and unhappy when he isn't. Unfortunately, 99% of entertainers in this town are not working more often than they are; so, unhappy performers are everywhere!

In the past, I have accompanied three, different guys to AA meetings and an NA meeting. Two of them had/have issues with alcohol, and one of them---only 30 years old---fights with an addiction to pain meds.

I've asked each of these guys how they define success for themselves. By their work? Their lovers? Material possessions? None of them has ever directly answered the question. Or, they've given me what I deem are half-truths. I told the fella today that he can't overcome his alcohol dependence until he identifies WHY he's drinking. He's gotta get to the root of the problem.

People are hurting in this world.

In this country.

In this state.


As I type, I can hear an incredibly heated argument coming from an apartment in this apartment complex. Since I've known the guy in that apartment, he's probably had four or five women he declared as his girlfriend. I've heard him have heated arguments with all of 'em. Interestingly, one of the comments I've heard him say to each and every one of those women is: "You treat me like sh*t!" If I were he, I'd have to ask myself, "Why do women always treat me like sh*t?" Even more importantly, why does he continuously allow them to treat him that way?

What I know for sure is that life is difficult.

And people are difficult.

I hope and pray that people find peace with themselves first, then with those they allow into their inner circle.

I intend to always lend a helping hand and/or ear to those I care about, but...

Securing MY peace comes FIRST.

I cannot be a blessing to others UNLESS (not until, but UNLESS) I'm a blessing to myself first.

I pray for everyone and everything.


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