Saturday, February 9, 2019

Home Street Home

Sepulveda Dam Basin

I've lived in the North Hollywood area since 2001.

When I first arrived, I thought the place was a glorious departure from overpopulated Koreatown, where I oftentimes had to park three or four blocks away from my apartment because of too many cars and too few spaces. Moving to NoHo made me feel like I was back in Indiana, where there is space to park at grocery stores, department stores, etc.

I live really close to North Hollywood Park. I recall people parking their old RVs, vans and cars next to the park at night. Those vehicles were their homes. Other vehicle dwellers parked along an entire stretch of Vineland Ave. It really was quite interesting to walk past these vehicles at night and see people sleeping, reading, eating, talking, etc.

Well, a few years ago, the city passed a law that prohibits vehicle dwellers from parking overnight near parks, schools and on residential streets. They're now relegated to industrial areas.

And I see they've also set up residence on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu. Much to Malibu residents' dismay.

In 2017 and 2018, I began to notice tents popping up under freeway overpasses and inside wooded areas in public parks. And on sidewalks next to businesses. Honestly, it seemed like homeless people just popped outta nowhere. In NoHo Park, they used to live in tents just outside a fence that was erected between the park and the freeway. The city has recently shooed them away from there.

Los Angeles Bus Stop

I notice them sleeping on bus stops all over Los Angeles County.

Hollywood Subway Platform

And in subway cars and on platforms.

Truth be told, in 2018, I saw more homeless people in North Hollywood than ever before. I've chatted with a couple of the younger folks. One young fella  I spoke to wasn't living on the street per se. He was squatting in a vacant apartment bldg that has since been demolished. He was cohabitating with his girlfriend. I haven't seen either since the place was demolished, but I wish 'em well. He and she did drugs. He confessed that much. I suspect that was/is a major reason they're homeless.

I don't know what we citizens should do about the homelessness in L.A. County. But we've gotta do something. Homeowners don't want them in their neighborhoods. Businesses don't want them inside, nor standing/sleeping/living directly outside their businesses.

Something has to give.

I give gratitude to God, The Universe, my Landlords and myself for the roof over my head.

It ain't a mansion.

It ain't a ritzy condo.

But it's warm in the winter, cool in the summer, dry during pouring rain and hella comfortable!

I pray for everyone and everything.


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