Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Greatest Love Of All...

As the song goes:  "I believe the children are our future.  Teach them well and let them lead the way..."  Since I was in my early teens I have worked as a volunteer for some organization or another.  The one, consistent aspect of every organization was that it involve the young.  Usually children.  But my first volunteer job was with puppies.  Yep!  My first stab at volunteerism was at the Humane Society of Indianapolis.  I wanted to work there so badly I mowed some rich guy's lawn on the weekends, with my father & brother, in order to earn the money to pay for the (2) buses I had to take to get to the facility.  Once there, I was in Heaven.  I have to make a rather embarrassing confession, though.  I found that the puppies I liked best were the really fluffy ones, with thick coats.  Yeah, I washed and cleaned up after short-haired puppies and dogs, too, but I liked the long-haired ones better.  In fact, I fell in love with an Afghan Hound named, Fred.  His stupid owner brought him in because she "didn't know he would have so much hair."  Duh!  The Afghan Hound is mostly known for its HAIR!!!  Those kinds of ridiculous explanations were commonplace for why people gave up their pets.  Well, I moved mountains to find a home for, Fred!  I got him placed at the home of one of my junior high school's substitute teachers, or maybe she was a teaching assistant.  Whatever!  Anyway, I adored her and I adored, Fred, so the fit was perfect.  She would sometimes leave him at my house for me to dog-sit!  Since my mother wouldn't let me adopt him (we didn't have enough yard for him), I was just happy to be able to spend time with him.  I'd walk him up and down the street so much I'm sure he wanted me to leave him alone!  Oh how I loved him! -- After volunteering with the Humane Society I turned my attention toward children.  I've always gotten along with children.  Coming from a family of seven kids (still fewer kids than our closest neighbors), I was used to being around kids!  In New York City I volunteered at a kindergarten class, reading!  This gig was set up by SAG (Screen Actors Guild).  I enjoyed those kids!  At the end of the semester, I bought each and every one of those kids a book of his/her own.  Those children would be at least 17 yrs old now.  Wow!  I wonder what they look like.  -- Here in Los Angeles, my first volunteer gig was with children living with AIDS.  My job was to arrange field trips for them.  I enjoyed many L.A. firsts with them.  The first time I went to the L.A. Zoo.  The first time I sailed on a yacht.  The first time I went to a petting zoo.  The first time I ever truly realized my childhood was idyllic in comparison to many's. -- Currently I volunteer on Sundays with a group of twenty-two 8 & 9-yr-olds at a 112-acre camp.  Supposedly a good number of them come from difficult circumstances, but honestly, I don't see it.  We spend almost five hours together, playing basketball, soccer, archery, football, etc.  Prior to this experience, I'd almost never participated in any sports.  In fact, I chose this volunteer opportunity to challenge myself to enjoy being a sports participant instead of a spectator!  Here it is almost three years since I started and what I know for sure is that I need these children as much (or more) than they may need me.  When all other realms of my life are seemingly falling apart, I still hold steadfast to my volunteer work.  'Cause the way I see it, I'd be a fool not to "let the children's laughter remind [me] how [I] used to be."

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