Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Bad

I walked into the dark bar and knew no one.  It was karaoke night and a chatroom buddy had told me folks really sang their butts off on that night.  I've always had a thing for great voices.  In my youth, I was buddy-buddy with anybody I thought could sing!  Probably lived vicariously through them because I've always wished I could.  This bar's clientele obviously had their favorites because money flew up onto the stage when certain people sang.  Yep, they were tipped like strippers dancers at the usual, titty bar!  One singer definitely stood out from the others.  In fact, sang colossal circles around the others.  First, we were treated to Stevie Wonder's, "Overjoyed." Then Oleta Adams', "I Knew You When."  "The Voice" acted shy and didn't want to sing another song, but the audience begged to hear "the white girl song."  After a little coaxing, we were floored by the funkiest version of Alanis Morrisette's, "You Oughta Know," I had ever heard.  I was immediately in love.  I mean, head over heels in love.  Fast-forward three years and our romance was over.  Literally.  Truth be told, it was over long before the three-yr mark.  I was in love with the singing.  Not necessarily the singer.  I now clearly see that I should never have been, "the boyfriend."  'Cause all I ever truly was...was, "the fan."  And still am!!!

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