Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Physically Strong, Mentally Awake And Morally Straight

Last week, I was blessed to attend the 70th Anniversary banquet of Boy Scout Troop 199. I was a member of this troop from 13-16 years old or so. I was invited to introduce the evening's keynote speaker, who just happened to be...

My younger brother------DWAYNE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wrote my introduction speech the night before, and set out to make it humorous, informational and complimentary. And you know what? I think I succeeded!!! I heard laughter and noticed I had indeed captured everybody's attention!

I hadn't seen my former Scoutmaster, Mr. Campbell, nor his wife, in years. But seeing them that night was as if we hadn't skipped a beat. He was running the show, per usual, and she was assisting him as she always has! Those two are most assuredly one helluva team!

Dwayne's talk had something for young people and for us not-so-young people. He spoke of Purpose and Confidence. Two attributes that are absolutely essential toward attaining and sustaining personal and professional success.

As he spoke, I thought about my relationship to all his major points. And, truth be told, I have to take responsibility for all that I've achieved, and all that I haven't. I'm tellin' you, recognizing your purpose, then fulfilling it with confidence makes you a sure winner. I sure wish I knew that in my youth. Well, I know it now, so, when you know better, you can do better!

Returning home for the Boy Scout event was also great because it allowed me to hang out with my siblings and their families. We love to eat, so we met up one morning at a terrific breakfast restaurant and had a blast!

And another of my great joys about being back home is a little placed named WHITE CASTLE! Yep, as soon as I drove away from the airport, I went straight there!!! I remember my loving friend, Shelley, once arranged for me to visit with her. Even then, I flew into Chicago, and before I arrived at her house, I made a pit stop at White Castle. A brotha simply can't seem to help himself!

I hope Scout Troop 199 goes on for years and years to come. I hold many fond memories of my days with the fellas back then. I certainly learned that my leadership abilities needed great work. And I learned that my brother possessed those abilities in spades. At 13 or 14 years old!!!!!!!! Those same abilities have served, and continue to serve him well in his illustrious career.

I'll close with the Boy Scout Oath. As a boy, I committed it to memory.

As an adult, I commit to live it day in, and day out.

"On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight."

And so it goes!

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