Every day someone has something negative to say about the financial and global success of The Kardashian Sisters, The Hilton Sisters and the cast of Mtv's
The Hills. Yes, as I sit in a virtually empty apartment with a bank account that mirrors it to an emp-"t," I have to accept the fact that those folks simply got a break that I didn't. Can't hate on 'em for that. If I were in their Jimmy Choo shoes, I'd enjoy "the good life," too. Even if I hadn't really done anything to warrant the attention and money. Well, in regard to those folks and thousands of others, I say, "Good for them!" If they can get somebody to pay them for just being who they are, GREAT! We live in a world where everybody is told to "GO GREEN!" And obviously millions of folks are doin' just that! Um, no offense, world, but I have nothing negative to say about any of these people 'cause green just AIN'T my color!!!!!!! Haa!!
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