Today I met up with my friend, Stephen, and joined him on his regular, Monday morning/afternoon routine: delivering food to the homebound for
Project Angel Food. He's been doing this for twenty years. Let me repeat that: TWENTY years! In the past, I've accompanied him on his deliveries every now and then. Today I simply wanted to join him again. After we completed his route we headed over to our favorite lunch spot,
Souplantation. There, we proceeded to stuff our faces 'til we didn't even want dessert. Well, we hadn't walked ten feet away from the restaurant before he spotted a woman eating frozen yogurt from
Yogurtland. Turns out he loves the place and, before we knew it, we were inside the joint, buying the dessert we had already paid for but didn't eat in Souplantation! Oh well, the yogurt was terrific! And being in my friend's presence was even MORE terrific! He's dear. And kind. And wonderful. And I'm soooo happy to have him as a friend. But, geez, hangin' out with him is gonna make me a BLIMP!!! Haa!