Arthur. Lloyd. And Scott. All three seem to possess professional fulfillment. Well, at least, all three appear to be making a couple dollars from what they're doing. And then there's I. Me. Cam. And I feel professionally destitute at the moment. Okay, that's a bit harsh. Let's just say I'm profession-starved!!! I truly believe I have all the necessary qualities/talents/confidence to be sitting atop the world. Or, at the very least, sitting atop the world I make for myself. Yet, I'm sittin' here in my two-bedroom, furnitureless apartment, plotting and scheming to make something work! To make something stick to the wall! To make some MONEY!!!!!!! I feel sooooo frustrated I could run through the neighborhood yelling at the top of my lungs. Perhaps I need to channel Network and stick my head out the window, loudly proclaiming: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!" Truth be told, my life will NEVER change for the better until that chant is PRECISELY how I feel. And to the MARROW OF MY BONES!!!!!!! Intellectually I know that change for me CAN come. As long as I WORK MY HEINIE OFF to affect it!!!! I know this. Dear Lord, please, please, please make me DO this!!!!!!!!!!
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