Come Saturday, June 4th, 2011, guess who's goin' back to his 25th college reunion as a GUEST SPEAKER????? I can hardly believe it. All my adult life I've wanted to go back to the college to speak to the students about SOMETHING! Was never sure what; just knew I wanted to talk about something! THE UNIVERSE heard my inner pleas and rewarded me with an invitation from the college to headline a 45-minute speech & question & answer period during the weekend of my 25th-year reunion festivities! Of course I was asked to talk about what it's like working as a Hollywood Talent Manager; but, this ol' dude is gonna talk about soooo much more! In fact, I might even just sit on a stool right in front of whomever attends the discussion and start talking about what life TRULY means to me. And to them! I wouldn't be surpised if the person doing all the questioning is I. And the audience doing the answering! Truth be told, I just don't want to talk about a JOB. I want to talk about a LIFE. Mine and everybody else's! Since we are not our jobs, I'd rather talk about who we actually ARE. And who we AREN'T. -- No, I am not in the professional space I thought I'd be by this age. But I'm still as happy as a sissy at the "Y" to speak to fellow alums and any students who might be still lingering around the campus in June. Only GOD knows where my life and mind will be come June 2011. I just hope and pray that he'll provide me the strength and peace of mind to go home and share my wisdom and life experiences with all in my presence. -- I'm comin' home, Wabash College and FIJI Fraternity! And I'm dang PROUD and HAPPY to do so!!! By the time I finish my discussion, EVERYBODY will know THEIR OWN answer to the question:
How Many Licks Does It Take Till You Get To The Center?
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